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Hollywoood Tom - 06/26/00 16:32:57
My URL:http://newblood.4ever.cc
My Email:suppoert@newblood.4ever.cc
Faction(NWO Hollywood etc): NWO HOLLYWOOD

Hollywood hogan is 4 life baby,and even though the NWO is no more,the spirit still lives(and hopefully they will come back) NWO!

DAN - 03/28/00 04:01:56
My Email:dan_9223@address.com

************************************************ don't live tommorow like the first day of the rest of you're life. live it as though it was the last day of the rest of you're life. otherwise you'll be putting the important things of till a more convieniant time , (ie)LOOSING IT! I'M A VIET NAM VET, I KNOW... DAN.

NWO - 07/18/99 00:25:12
My Email:NWOfan@yo mamma's house.com

this page is good but hollywood hogan is not that good he is an old fogie!!lol

machizmo - 12/24/98 07:35:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cyborggod/mach.html
My Email:machizmo@goplay.com
Faction(NWO Hollywood etc): disciple of the god of wrestling

nice page man! i love it! it has both babes and the wrestling god on it!i am glad i aint the only one that realizes that hogan is the man! and he will always be the man! keep up the great work on your site HOGAN IS GOD i will put a link to your site on my homepage!

the gooz - 12/08/98 04:52:26

eat a dick

jacob burkett - 12/03/98 16:50:06
My Email:burkett9@hotmail.com
Faction(NWO Hollywood etc): nWo wolfpac 4 life

I know this don't have to do anything with Holly- wood, but I just had to tell you The Stinger and "Flexy Lexy" with the rest of the Wolfpac is the bomb. Good luck with presidency, Hogan. Come back soon!!!!

Holly - 11/18/98 08:10:06
My Email:mehulk@ring.com
Faction(NWO Hollywood etc): yes

you know what? no one ever takes wrestling serious any more! everyone's always poking fun... Why don't they just lay off! Why don't they just let wrestling dogs lie?! I might have to slam them! See you later wrestling fans...H.H.

DebbieHarry - 10/08/98 09:47:38
My Email:rhall@dowco.com

Hollywood has had six of my children. He inspired the band name Blondie.Hollywood is the King of New-Wave/Disco!!I would walk over burning coals just to launder his shorts. I lay awake nights frightened that he will one day top rope body slam me...and lon ing for it. He talked Barry Gordie into starting Motown Records...I was going to say that he taught me to sing...but, i'm not that good! Hollywood, if you read this, please remember to pick up the kids on your way home...oh, and don't forget a quart of mi k and a loaf of bread! If it weren't for Roller Derby and Wrestling, there wouldn't be any more TRUE sport in the world!

GranMasterForarmo - 10/07/98 16:06:06
My Email:kpscoltd@axionet.com
Faction(NWO Hollywood etc): Dancing Fools/Wolfpack

Only in your twisted world does this strange fascination with tanned, overmuscled, bald geriatric fools exist. It is time you came to worship the true masters of the universe, the overlords who control all there is and all there will ever be. Externally hey pose as fools, dancing fools, only to preserve their control over your daily life. Their mass sex appeal allows them to dictate the will of women everywhere. Your website will only bring their wrath upon yourself. You have been warned. "Achtung! Alex Wright un Disco Inferno, Ya!"

A. Pavoratti - 10/05/98 18:54:22
My Email:rhall@dowco.com

Hollywood taught me to sing. My friend Arnold says he taught him everything about weight training. My friend Brian Adams says that Hollywood bought him his first guitar...then taught him to play. My Great Grandmother left home for Hollywood. Great Grandfather understood. "I awaken and arise, as if with the strength of ten, to what do I pay tribute for this, Hollywood, the greatest of men"...Alfred Lord Tennyson. He is TRULY a great man...Bill Gates

Jihad - 09/30/98 21:38:00
Faction(NWO Hollywood etc): NWO Hollywood

Hollywood rules

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