"All should bow to the greatness of Hollywood Hogan. He is the reason we are all here today. We must worship the ground he walks on!" -Nelson Mandela

Hollywood Hogan Is God

You know brother! The Icon Hollywood's Theme

The Hollywood Poll
Which of Hollywoods moves is the most devastating?

Current Results

"Hollywood is the sexiest man alive"-People Magazine

"Hollywood is the TRUE...lord of the dance"-Michael Flatley

"For Hollywood, I would eat all the cows in India"-Mahatma Gandhi

Hollywood & his disciples

Who's Next?
In the next five years which award will the Hulkster win first?

Current Results

"The Vatican is the house that Hollywood built"-Pope John Paul II

"For Hollywood, I would welcome impeachment"-President Bill Clinton

Worthiness Poll
Who deserves most, the right to carry Hollywood's bags?

Current Results


Hollywoods Ladies

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