Welcome to the home page of the Montclair Ultimate Frisbee Club team called Thrash Badgers.
"Thrash Badgers" were previously known as "Bottom Feeders" and before that, "What Exit?" The team has been
around for a long time, usually practicing in the Montclair area, but most of our team is not from there. The team has players from all over New Jersey. In fact one of the captains, John Marino, lives outside of Trenton, while the other captain, Zach Bressler, lives in Belleville, right outside Montclair.
You can check out our upcoming tournament and practice schedule by checking out the schedule page.
You can view the people on the team by checking out the personnel page.
You can look at pictures of the team by checking out the gallery page. *Please do not click this link if you do not have Netscape version 4 or greater because the page won't work.
You can read about Ultimate frisbee by checking out the ultimate page. *Please do not click this link if you do not have Netscape version 4 or greater because the page won't work.
You can get directions to our fields by checking out the directions page.
Be gentle, this page is under construction. Thanks for your patience.
For more information call Zach Bressler at 973-759-3580 or John Marino at 609-637-0412
You can also e-mail Zach or John
This page was created with Allaire Homesite 3.01, last updated on March 30, 1998.
The page is best if viewed with Netscape Communicator 4.00 or greater.
Copyright 1998 Zachary Bressler, All rights reserved.