The A. J. Luck House
The Wilson Jusick home

a jewel designed by A. J. Luck

...a quick tour....

Hi! Welcome to a tour of our Mid-Century Modern house.

No matter how cool it looks in the photos, and it sure does, it is even cooler in person!
And, yes, it is amazing to live in one. Every day is filled with wonderous sights.

So, this is only to get you to come by and experience this amazing home.

Here is the view from the street. You can tell right off that it is going to be different!

High 50s design often put a "blind eye to the street". This provides privacy and great design opportunities. This house was built in 1963, designed by architect A.J. Luck for himself, his wife and 2 sons, and as a showplace to get design work in the area. This house is filled with design details and shows the full force of Luck's talent and vision. It was featured in a 1963 Better Homes and Gardens as an experiment in putting a contemporary house in a traditional neighborhood. The only article we have seen excerpted says it was a success. True, it was, eventually. Previous owners told us that in the beginning the neighbors tried to get the house condemned before it was even finished. Hard to believe. At any rate, there are two other mid-century modern homes designed by Luck nearby. They are very cool, too! One has long been wanted by us. He sold the house in 1968 and left for Arizona. It is said that Luck built homes in Arizona but nothing else is known of his life or work. He is no longer with us. Additional history on Views page.


A gorgeous view in the snow! Wow.
click here for full size image in a new window

Approaching the front gate...

Looking back to the gate from the front door.


...going go thru gate to the front door...very rare floor to ceiling glass walls!
The post and beam construction puts all the weight of the roof on them and not on the walls. This makes full height glass walls possible.

Front door and all interior door and closet doors are mahogany veneer.


Living room view....note of detail: what surface material you see inside the house is the same surface on the exterior: brick, clear furniture-grade cedar or glass. All wall surfaces are floating with a setback at the ceiling and floor.

In this house, wherever a glass wall meets the exterior wall, the wall surface extends from the inside to the outside: brick in the living room, cedar in the family room and brick in the master bedroom. Notice full height sliding glass door for ventilation in right photo.

Views of the foyer from the living room
. All of the ceilings are 2x4" fir, even in the closets and showers!
Again possible because of post and beam construction.

composite photo...toward the back courtyard from the living room.
Notice the tile floor. Tile is on the floor of the entire rest of the house, unbroken from room to room.

on to...
Dining and Family Rooms and Kitchen

Entrance and LR Views | Dining/Family Rooms and Kitchen | Bedrooms | Views and History | Detail Views

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