Hello, dearest visitors who have come to pay respects to the Great Stoners.Welcome to the Stone Sect (aka RJC 1SO3H 1998, 2S03H 1999 woohoo!) The page has been on for 2 years now. Quite nice the response we've been getting. Lotsa hits, damn, you guys must love us or something. : ) FYI:This page started on 140498. As usual, any compliments direct them to ME (IVY) and any complaints...tell ME TOO |
Hello everybody...okayokay...i'm finally editing this page! *gasp* this page getting boring? like the colours and everything? or is it juz the editors...better not be ah =)
please email with new, exciting, creative and scintillating ideas for this homepage quick...
random ramblings:
just received pics of the class picnic from Kok wee. Very envious. Miss the times we had in RJ alot. was it? fun?
here's a beautiful picture all of u!click here to see more new pics. =)
IMPORTANT!! All you lazy people who can't be bothered to send email....LOOK HERE!! To update or add your information on the Flintstones page, NOTE: As of 14/2/2001, geocities has not yet cleared up its problems with sending forms. I'll leave a message once the problem is cleared up okay?
Any new outings so far? Or missed any? Check out the STONERS' DIARY ..
(Done by Ivy..and very nicely too! :p)
WANSI: medicine, NUS.
DI: vet science, University of Glasgow, UK.
SARA: in the US studying.. what i don't exactly know. premed?
KENNETH: dentistry, NUS.
LIAN: medicine, NUS.
CLAM: medicine, NUS.
KOK WEE: medicine, NUS.
DAWN: science, NUS.
BEN: medicine, NUS.
KIAK: architecture, NUS.
LENA: molecular biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
FREDA: medicine, NUS.
XIAO: bioengineering, UC-Berkeley, USA.
JAMES: economics, USA.
SHARON: medicine, NUS.
KOK: engineering, USA.
LEECH: medicine, NUS.
DICT GOH: science, NUS.
ALVIN: engineering, NTU.
MALCOLM: computing, NUS (?).
KELVIN: medicine, NUS.
IVY: medicine, NUS.
PJ: medicine, NUS.
YONGWEI: science, NUS.
JIAYING: medicine, NUS.
amazingly, after all that time spent applying for overseas universities (YES some of us will remember THAT period), most of us are actually staying in Singapore to further our studies.. which means all those application fees down the drain.. SIGH..
Anyway, to all my darling fellow S03Hians, here's a LOUD "Good Luck" to all of you, either in the army or in school.. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! :)
Where's everyone? Hmm...slogging away in the libraries? Exams must be good luck ya? esp to all the future doctors and surgeons out there. =) It's quite stressful here in Berkeley....EVERYTHING counts to your final grade...labs, homework, assignments, quizzes..EVErYTHING. ACK. drop me a line will ya? =]
We have Not moving much...Where's everyone? |