This is one of the best DOS versions of Nibbles ever written. It is programmed in Pascal, yet the graphics are very good and color options are available. What makes this game so exciting is that you can use a joystick or gamepad, provided that you calibrate them. This program also will automatically calibrate a joystick/gamepad for you. Use the "" file to calibrate your joystick/gamepad. I will include an instructional file in a few weeks.
The files are zipped into "" and can be unzipped using Pkunzip. The files are as follows: "" is the actual program or application file; "" is the calibration program, you must run this first before you run "" if you plan to use a joystick/gamepad; "nibbles.dat" is the data file with board levels; "apl.dat" is a data file with image data; and "circ.pic" is another image data file. If you have any questions regarding this game, email me at ( or at (
Credits for
Programmers: Andrew Yue and Mike Zaimont
Editor: Andrew Yue
Calibration programmer: Mike Zaimont
(**Andrew and Mike were Sophomores in High School when they wrote this.)
^^Notice: You must read the warning below before downloading!!!
^^ Notice to all users: You may not reproduce or distribute the software for resale or other commercial purposes. This software is protected by United States copyright law and international treaty provisions. You may not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate, or disassemble the software in whole or in part. The author does not grant warranties nor does the author warrant that the software is error free. In addition, the author disclaims all warranties with respect to the software. In no event shall the author be liable to you for any consequential, special, incidental, or indirect damages of any kind arising out of delivery, performance, or use of the software. Questions regarding this program, email the author.
Last updated 05/15/98.