"Du Weiss Nichts"

This is the new updated version!!!

This is a German grammar program written in Pascal. It runs under DOS (sorry Mac users-you can use Soft PC or Virtual PC products though). It has 100 different grammar questions and complete instructions are included. A "gambling" type activity was also programmed to make it more fun. The only program file (or application file) that needs to be run is "deutsch.com." The remaining files are data files that must be included. You must not change the attributes of these files nor may you edit them at all!!! Doing so will cause run-time and/or I/O errors. Also, the data files MUST be in the same directory as the "deutsch.com" file.

The following files are compressed into "dfiles.zip": "deutsch2.com" is the program file; "question.dat" is the file containing the questions to the game; "scores.dat" is a score file the program uses; "instruct.dat" is the instruction file (Note: Do not open the instruction file. To read the instructions, run the program and choose the instuctions option at the menu screen); and "players.dat" is the player file the program uses also. You can decompress the .zip file using Pkunzip.

This is the new updated "Du Weiss Nichts" Version 2.1, Copyright 1998. Even though it was written in Pascal, it still is fully functional as a grammar program. Any questions or comments regarding this game can be sent to (drewyue@usa.net) or at (drewyue@geocities.com).

Credits for "Du Weiss Nichts":
Programmer: Andrew Yue
Editor: Andrew Yue

(**This program was a High School project and won the State of MN Deutschesfest Competition in 1997)

Downloadable Files:

^^Notice: You must read the warning below before downloading!!!

^^ Notice to all users: You may not reproduce or distribute the software for resale or other commercial purposes. This software is protected by United States copyright law and international treaty provisions. You may not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate, or disassemble the software in whole or in part. The author does not grant warranties nor does the author warrant that the software is error free. In addition, the author disclaims all warranties with respect to the software. In no event shall the author be liable to you for any consequential, special, incidental, or indirect damages of any kind arising out of delivery, performance, or use of the software. Questions regarding this program, email the author.

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Last updated 05/15/98.