The Official Sydney University Lions Water Polo Web Page
Sydney University

Water Polo Club

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About the Club

Sydney University Men & Women's Water Polo Club has an outstanding reputation for the wide range of players aging from 11 years of age to 70. This age gap allows the club to have great depth in playing ability and gives the up and coming younger players the opportunity to learn from older experienced players. This method has greatly benefited the junior players, as presently the junior players are rated as some of the best in Australia.

The junior boy players have travelled to California for South Pacific Championships 1995 & 1997,where in 95' they came 3rd out of 12 teams. Also they have gone to Auckland , New Zealand for the Pan Pacific Games twice in '94 & '96 .

The club provides all grades for all ages. The Sydney University Lions National League Team is a continuing asset to the Club. The team came from a low ranking position to 4th in the 1996 Australian National league Tournament. The team's growing success is building our club's morale and fighting spirit.

The Women's club has some of the best players women's Water Polo can offer. Their success in all their grades truly reflects true talent within the club. With many Australian representatives amoungst them , it gives the younger players a chance to see top Water Polo regularly.

We are very interested in helping touring teams and players. If your team is traveling down to Sydney, Australia, feel free to email :

Lee McMahon

Sydney University Water Polo Internet Superviser

This page was produced by Lee McMahon


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