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Welcome to my home page. This page contains My thoughts. on various subjects. Information on Bell Basketball,. and a Question of the month.. There will also be and upto date section of News & Info.. As well as a Photo Album. So sit back relax and enjoy. I hope to hear from you soon!!

For more up to date info goto The Bell High Web Site.

You can measure a teams character by the behavior of the players on the sideline.

My Thoughts . . .

"Every Long Journey starts with a small step".

JV . . .

26 Jan 04 Happy new year see Ya at The Bell High Page!!!

Sept 29, 03 I have a new page at the Bell High web site. This page will no longer be updated. the team pictures will continue to be updated. See you soon.

Feb13, 03 It has been a long season, I am ready to take a vacation. Last game tomorrow.

Dec 19, 02 The team is doing well. Preseason 1 - 1, those freshman really have some potential.

Fall 02 My concerns about this team are real. In three days I will move some freshman up to JV.

Summer 02 - We have only one returning JV player (JOE). I am concerned about this new team. I do not see the same fire as last years team. Only time will tell.

Spring 02 - Good job guys we went 8 - 6 overall good luck in Varsity.

Winter 2001/02 - Well Fellas the season is upon us. We still have a long journey ahead of us. I believe that we can go undefeated if we play up to our potential. My dirty dozen(13) are great ball players. Most of these guys would be playing varsity at some other schools. What we lack in height we make up in speed. An employee of Bell High said “In my 20 years here, I have never seen a JV team this fast!" Schedule and Scores.

Fall 2001 - In a couple of weeks we will be able to start to practice. The first thing i'm going to to is evaluate our team. As of today there's 16 guys on my roster. This does not include all the football guys or varsity players that are going to be move down to JV.

Summer 2001 - We came in 4th at the Brentwood tournament. I belive that we should have won that tourney. The biggest hurddle we have is playing up to our potential. This team can go places if we work hard to get there.

Spring 2001 - I am looking forward to the new season. We have a great JV team coming back. The team has grown so much. We will own the paint with Salomon in the middle. With the help of Rudy, Fernando, and Saul all the Boards will be ours too.

Question of the Month . . .

If you were to pick your all time NBA team whom would the be? List you 5 starters and your sixth man. Tell me what position the would play and why you chose them.

Email me at coach-m@iname.com


Junior Varsity Schedule

Wed. Jan. 9, 2:30pm Garfield W, 50 - 45 OT Carlos & Adrian 10pts. - Alex 12pts. - Big Sal 11pts.
Fri. Jan 11, 2:30pm South Gate L, 33 - 40 Alex & Adrian 10 pts.
Wed. Jan. 16, 2:30pm Roosevelt W, 67 - 64 dbOT Carlos 16 asst. - Sal 24pts. - Adrian 18 pts.
Fri. Jan 18, 2:30pm Jordan L, 48 - 69 Saul 10 reb. - Sal 11pts.
Wed. Jan. 23, 2:30pm H.P. W, 51 - 45 Carlos 11pts, 10 asst. - Adrian 14 pts. - Sal 16pts.
Fri. Jan 25, 5:30pm South Gate W, 52 - 43 Sal 19 pts. - Carlos 12 pts, 10 asst. - Alex & Adrian 9 pts.
Wed. Jan. 30, 2:30pm Roosevelt L, 51 - 58 Sal 15 pts. - Carlos 14 pts. - Alex & Apollo 8 pts.
Fri. Feb 1, 2:30pm Jordan L, 48 - 53 We played 3 great periods, and finished strong. Carlos 13pts. - Salomon 12 pts. Adrian 11 pts. - Alex 8 pts, 10 reb.- Rudy 3 pts, 12 reb.
Wed. Feb. 6, 2:30pm H.P. W, 47 - 41 OT HP hit a big 3 to send it into our time. Yet HP did not score in the OT. Carlos 16 pts, 9 asst. - Jessie, AB, & Adrian 6 pts - Alex & Sal 4 Pts., Rudy 3pts.
Fri. Feb 8, 2:30pm Garfield W, 58 - 52 Fernie Dominated with 9 pts, 18 reb, 2 stls, and he took a charge. Carlos 13 pts. - Rudy 12 pts, 10 reb. - Adrian 11 pts.

Bold denote HOME game

Tip: Three parts of a Basketball Player:

  1. Head - (You have to think, play smart, seize oppertunities, study basketball.)
  2. Hands - (Your physical abilities, practice, and stay in shape.)
  3. Heart - (Your Determination, the will to win.)

Go Eagles!!!

The Bell High Coaches are:

Coach D - Varsity
Coach M - Junior Varsity
Coach Arnold - Soph
Coach De Santiago - Frosh

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© 2000 coach-m@iname.com
