Directions to Sequoyah Park

Here's a map of the major courses in the Atlanta area. If you want to print out a copy of large version of the map, click on the link for the full page version suitable for printing.

From Roswell / GA400

Take state Hwy 140 N past 3 silos approx. 7 miles. Turn left at Hickory Rd. at Chevron station, then make another left onto Vaughn Rd (1st left). Park entrance 1 ½ miles on left. Please park in parking lot only. Hole 1 is behind concessions bldg, next to ball field.

From Woodstock / I575

Take I575 N to Sixes Rd., turn right at end of off-ramp. Go 1/8 mile to end of road (Hwy 5). Turn left, go approximately 4 miles to Holly Springs. Turn right on Hickory Rd (near flashing yellow light) then go approximately 6 miles just before the end of the road (Hwy 140). Turn right on Vaughn Rd. (last right before Hwy 140) Park entrance 1 ½ miles on left. Please park in parking lot only. Hole 1 is behind concessions bldg, next to ball field.

From Canton

Take Hwy 140 south from Canton to Hickory Flats area. Look for Bank of Canton on right and Chevron Staion on left, turn right on Hickory Rd, then left on Vaughn Rd. Park entrance 1 ½ miles on left. Please park in parking lot only. Hole 1 is behind concessions bldg, next to ball field.

Course Map