Collecting Wheaties Sports Cereal Boxes
Welcome to a page devoted to one of the fastest growing sports collectibles hobbies. I collect Wheaties, made by General Mills, that feature athletes on the box front.
Boxes I am looking to trade for
Mini Wheaties Boxes and Bags
Links to great other cereal collecting web pages
Keep that box full or empty the cereal?
Things you won't find on this web page: graphics, cool charts, video, audio and other eye- pleasing stuff. I'd like to have those things, but most of my free time is spent searching grocery stores, card shops, garage sales, sports shows, and the Internet for the ultimate Wheaties best find so far is a Wheaties box from 1944 featuring Ned Day, professional bowler!
June 2003... Unfortunately, the "sports memorabilia speculator" has (almost) ruined this hobby for me.. even General Mills, once they realized there were folks out there who liked to keep those orange boxes once they were done with the cereal, started cranking out boxes at a ridiculous rate... it has been some time since I have even picked up a box or 20 at the store. I'm not knocking eBay, and the like, since I've certainly bought and sold on there in the past, but most of the fun for me was meeting people from other parts of the world and TRADING.. not being charged outrageous shipping and handling! Hopefully the fun will return at some point...