Last Updated 7/23/98 Hey load here..BIG NEWS.. many of you may have noticed that I haven't been putting much into this page lately and thus I am telling you now that this page will no longer be updated and will sit here untill geocities deletes it b/c it hasn't been updated BUT READ THIS... I am now working on the new UNCA web site which is temporarily here. I will transfer all of this content to that site and will work with a couple other people. (It's kind of a merger of sites) I feel that by working with other people we can create a more competitive site and get more done. You can still send stuff to me by clicking on the Knight logo (I've changed the address it sends it too) and I hope to offer a extreme amount of content on this new site while keeping the cool (will this page doesn't look as great anymore in fact I was planning on redoing this page's appearance so it looked better). I know the new UNCA site is small right now but so was this page. In fact this page started with just a single rototrack review. And with more people I hope to get to the sections I was never able to on this page( detailed mods and tactics). I hope you'll check the new site out frequently, click on the ad at the bottom of the page. I'm hoping we'll be able to get a domain and all we need is a 100 clicks a month so we can get a domain and keep it up. NEW I'm somewhat involved in a quake mod that will make it like nerf. We're chosing the weapons and figuring out the gameplay. It will mainly be for deathmatching. Don't expect to see it to soon. Go to the page here I just got off the phone with Nerfs customer service and they said that the Gatlin' Storm and Pulsator have already been shipped to stores. /P> the Rappn' Fire Super Blaster is completely automatic
once pumped (a review is up of it) sorry about the picture..there isn't one on the box and I had to scan parts of it at a time and piece them together a picture of the Gatlin' storm
Welcome to Reload this page is pretty new and most of the features are not yet up but will be soon I recommend using Opera in 800x600 for this page Weapon Reviews features reviews of Nerf and non-Nerf weapons Ammunitions has info on the types of ammo Modifications is the section to watch for it is my main interest I will list all modifications I have heard of and all that i am doing to my guns War Stories is a collection of stories that I need people to mail in to me Tactics are some of my own and ones that I have seen Favorites has things like the top guns and recommended links Links is a collection of the nerf sites I know of and feel free to send me yours |
This page is done with Homesite and not a Macintosh |