We have stayed true to the ideals, philosophy and the martial way while still producing effective modern fighters with appropriate self defence skills and tournament players whilst not giving upon the other aspects of a true martial way


                                              ABOUT OUR BUDO RYU KEMPO           

Budo Ryu Kempo  has its roots tied strongly to the original  precepts of  the true martial arts. The system is a well rounded one covering  all aspects of martial training. Budo Ryu Kempo  will hone your body and your mind, your most important  ally. As members become senior grades they realise that Budo Ryu Kempo  is truly a way of life teaching strong self discipline, honour, loyalty, integrity, positive thinking, motivation. Good training makes good people.

                                                         THE FIVE ANIMALS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

TIGER-  Strength, tenacity. 

LEOPARD - Speed, agility.

Crane - Grace, balance

Snake - Flexibility, endurance

Dragon - Indomitable spirit, mystical qualities.


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