A | |
Age | Rising. |
Age tsuki | Rising punch. |
Age uke | Rising block. |
Ago | jaw |
Ai | Love, Harmony. |
Ai Hammi | Harmony stance, when partners are standing with the same foot forward. |
Aiki | Harmonious Spirit. |
Aikiho | Harmonious Spirit Division or Method. |
Aikoshin | Love of the school in mind. |
Aite | Partner. |
Arashi | Storm. |
Ashi | Foot; leg. |
Ashi guruma | Leg wheel. |
Ashi waza | Foot techniques. |
Atama | Head. |
Atemi | Striking. |
Atemi waza | Striking techniques. |
B | |
Bo | Staff (long). |
Bokken | Wooden sword. |
Bojutsu | Staff techniques (long). |
Budo | Martial Way. |
Bugei | Martial Arts. |
Bujutsu | Martial Art. Fighting arts of the warrior class of Japan. |
Bukai | Martial ranks; Belts |
Buki | Weapon |
Bun | Writing; Basic education |
Bunkai | Analysis; Practical application of form. |
Buke | Martial house; Family |
Bushi | Warrior class of Japan |
Bushido | Way of the warrior |
C | |
Choku | Straight |
Choku tsuki | Straight punch |
Choshi | Rhythm |
Chuan fa | Fist way |
Chudan | Middle (of body, i.e. torso). |
D | |
Dachi | Stance |
Daigaku | University |
Dan | Rank of black belt; 1st dan is the lowest, 10th the highest |
De ashi harai | Forward foot sweep |
Denzook | No count |
Do | Way; Way of life |
Dokusan | Private interview |
Dojo | Exercise hall Place of the Way Training hall, the place where one practices the martial arts. |
E | |
Eku | Oar, used as a weapon in Okinawan Karate. |
Embu | Demonstration of Martial Spirit Two man practice form; |
Embusen | Line of performance of a kata. |
Empi | 1. Elbow. 2. Name of a kata |
Empi uchi | Elbow strike |
Encho | Extensions of kihon kumite |
F | |
Fudo dachi | Rooted stance. |
Fumikomi | Stomp. |
Funikoshi, Gichin | Father of Shotokan Karate, nicknamed Shoto. |
G |
Gakka | Lesson; Learn a lesson |
Gatame | Arm bar |
Gedan | Downward; Lower, waist or below. |
Gedan barai | Lower block |
Gedan juji uke | Lower X-block |
Genki | Original spirit; Health |
Geri | Kick |
Gi | Uniform |
Go | Five. See also numerals |
Goho | Hard Division or Method |
Gohon | Five-finger strike. |
Goshin | Self Defense. |
Guruma | Wheel-like throw. |
Gyaku | Reverse. |
Gyaku Hammi | Reverse stance, where partners are standing with the opposite foot forward |
Gyaku tsuki | Reverse punch |
Gyaky juji jime | Reverse cross choke |
H |
Hachi | Eight. See also numerals |
Hachiji dachi | Open leg stance |
Hachimachi | Towel used as a headband |
Hadaka jimi | Naked choke |
Hadake | Choke/strangle |
Hadari | Left |
Hae makikomi | Springing winding throw |
Hai | Yes |
Haishu | Back of the hand |
Haishu uchi | Back hand strike |
Haisoku | Instep |
Haisoku geri | Instep kick |
Haito | Ridge hand . |
Haito uchi | Ridge hand strike. |
Hajimae | Begin. |
Hakkaku | Eight angles, used in kobujutsu. |
Hane goshi | Hip spring. |
Hangetsu dachi | Hourglass stance. |
Hanshi | Grand Master; Senior Master. |
Hara | Stomach; Abdomen. |
Hara tsurikomi ashi | Lifting pulling foot sweep. |
Harai goshi | Hip sweep. |
Hashi | Chopsticks. |
Heisoku dachi | Attention stance. |
Henka | Variation. |
Hidari | Left (side). |
Hiraken | Flat fist |
Hiji | Elbow. |
Himitsu Kempo | Secret fist law, pre-Ninjutsu stealth art. |
Hittsui | Knee. |
Hittsui geri | Knee strike . |
Hiza | Knee. |
Hiza guruma | Knee wheel. |
Hon | Fingers. See also Gohon. |
Hokai | Law ranks in Kiyojute ryu; Titles. |
Hombu | Headquarters |
Hotei | Dedication |
Hyoshi | Timing |
I | |
Ichi or Sho | One. See also numerals. |
Ikken | One fist or strike. |
Iie | No. |
Ippon | Full point in a contest. |
Ippon ken (tsuki) | One knuckle fist. |
Ippon kumite | One step sparring |
Ippon Seoi Nage | One-armed shoulder throw |
Irimi | Enter; Entering |
Irimi waza | Entering techniques |
Itten | One point, center of ki |
J | |
Jigo-tai | Defensive posture. |
Jimi | Choke/strangle. |
Jiyu | Freedom; Freestyle. |
Jiyu kumite | Free sparring. |
Jishu | Self-mastery |
Jo | Short staff |
Jodan | Upper, shoulders or above |
Jodan juji uke | High X-block |
Jo jutsu | Short staff techniques |
Joseke | Upper seat |
Ju | Ten. See also numerals |
Judo | A martial arts style featuring throwing Literally, "gentle way", referring to giving way in order to |
Judoka | Practitioner of Judo |
Judo gi | Judo suite |
Ju-ichi | Eleven. See also numerals |
Juji | X; Cross. Juji gatame, juji uke. |
Juji gatame | Cross-body arm bar through legs and across hips. |
Juji uke | X-block. |
Jujutsu | Gentle art. |
Jute | Gentle Hand or Person. |
K | |
Kagi tsuki | Hook punch |
Kaisho | Club |
Kaishocho | Head Instructor of a Club |
Kakato | Heel |
Kake | Attack; Application of the technique |
Kakuto | Bent sword; Bent wrist |
Kakuto uke | Bent wrist block |
Kaiten | Spin; Rotary |
Kama | Sickle, used in pairs in Okinawan Karate. |
Kamae | Posture |
Kami shio gatame | Upper four-corner hold |
Kan | School; Intuition |
Kancho | Head Instructor of a School |
Kanji | A Character in the Japanese System of Writing Based Upon Borrowed or Modified Chinese Characters |
Kano, Jigoro | Founder of Judo |
Kansetsu | Joint lock |
Kansetsu waza | Joint locking techniques |
Kanzen Muketsu | Absolute perfection |
Kara | Empty |
Karate | Empty hand A martial arts style featuring strikes. |
Karate gi | Karate suite |
Kata | Form, sometimes stylized and pre-arranged; |
Kata guruma | Shoulder Wheel throw |
Kata gatame | Shoulder hold |
Kata ha jime | Single wing choke |
Kata Ido | Form movement |
Kata juji jime | Half cross choke |
Katame | Grappling |
Katame waza | Mat work Grappling and ground-fighting techniques Also known as Ne-waza |
Katana | Long sword |
Katsu | Revival techniques |
Ke | House; Family |
Keage | Kick upward |
Kekomi | Kick through; Kick thrust |
Keiko | Practice; Training the spirit |
Kempo | Fist law; Fist way |
Kempoka | Practictioner of Kempo |
Ken | Knuckle |
Kendo | Japanese sword fighting |
Kensho | Insight; Religious insight |
Kentsui | Fist hammer. |
Keri | Kick. |
Keri waza | Kicking techniques. |
Kesa gatame | Scarf hold. |
Ki | Vital energy. |
Kiai | Spiritual harmony; Shout or yell with vital energy (ki). |
Kiba dachi | Horse stance |
Kihon | Basics |
Kihon Ido | Basic movement |
Kihon Kumite | Basic sparring |
Kime | Focus |
Kiotsuke | Attention |
Kiyo | Positive spirit |
Ko | Skill |
Koken | Wrist |
Kobujutsu | Ancient martial art; Weapon arts |
Kodokan | Headquarters of Judo in Japan. Literally, "school for studying the way". |
Koko | Tiger mouth |
Koko uchi | Tiger mouth strike. |
Kokutsu dachi | Back stance. |
Kokyu Ho | Breathing division or method. |
Koppo | Bone method; Bone breaking. |
Koshi | 1. Hip. 2. Ball of the foot |
Koshi guruma | Hip wheel throw |
Koshi waza | Hip techniques |
Kosoto gakae | Minor outer hook |
Kosoto gari | Minor outer reaping throw |
Kote | Forearm |
Kouchi gari | Minor inner reaping throw |
Kubi | Neck |
Ku | Nine. See also numerals |
Kumikata | Forms of gripping; Methods of holding |
Kumade | Bear hand |
Kumite | Sparring |
Kunren | Discipline |
Kurisuchan | Christian |
Kusarigama | Sickle with a rope or chain attached |
Kusho | Vital points of the body |
Kuzushi | Balance breaking |
Kyu | Grade under black belt; 10th kyu is the lowest and 1st the highest |
Kyusho | Vital point |
Kyusho jutsu | Pressure point strikes |
M | |
Ma-ai | Distance; Distancing. |
Mae | Front. |
Mae geri | Front kick. |
Mae geri keage | Front snap kick. |
Mae geri kekomi | Front thrust kick |
Mae tobi geri | Jump front kick |
Makiwara | Punching board |
Matae | Stop |
Mawashi | Circular; Roundhouse |
Mawashi geri | Roundhouse kick. |
Mawashi tsuki | Roundhouse punch |
Menkyo | License |
Migi | Right (side). |
Mikazuki | Crescent |
Mikazuki geri | Crescent kick. |
Mikazuki geri uke | Crescent kick block |
Mond | Questions and answers |
Moro | Augmented. Morote tsuki |
Morote | Reinforced |
Morote seoi nage | Two arm shoulder throw |
Morote tsuki | Double forward fist strike |
Morote uke | Double forearm block |
Mudansha | Colored belt holder; Non black belt holder. |
Mugen | No limit; Infinite. |
Munen | No thought. |
Mushin | Mind of no mind; No conscious thought.. |
N | |
Nage | Throw |
Nage waza | Throwing techniques |
Nage no kata | Formalized throws |
Naginata | Halberd, used by primarily Japanese women |
Nami juji jime | Normal cross choke |
Neko | Cat |
Neko ashi dachi | Cat stance |
Ne-waza | Ground fighting techniques, also known as katame waza. |
Ni | Two. See also numerals |
Nidan geri | Double jump kick |
Nihon nukite | Two finger spear hand See also Gohon nukite, Nukite |
Ni-ju | Twenty. See also numerals. |
Ni-ju-ichi | Twenty one. See also numerals. |
No | Ability; Talent; Skill. |
Noritsu | Efficiency. |
Nukite | Spear hand. |
Nunchaku | Flail-like weapon of two rods joined by rope or chain. |
Nyujo | Flow into tranquility; Meditative contemplation. |
Nyunan Shin | Soft hearted. |
O | |
Obi | Belt |
O goshi | Major hip throw |
O guruma | Major wheel throw |
Oi | Lunge |
Oi tsuki | Lunge punch |
Okinawa te | Okinawan hand |
Okuri ashi harai | Foot sweep |
Okuri eri jime | Sliding collar choke |
Osae komi | Hold-down |
Osae komi waza | Hold-down techniques |
Osoto gari | Major outer reaping throw |
Osoto guruma | Major outer wheel throw |
Ouchi gari | Major inner reaping throw. |
Oyayubi | Thumb |
Oyo | Application |
R | |
Randori | Freedom to take To take the throw Free practice (judo sparring). |
Rei | Bow |
Renoji Dachi | T,L,V stance |
Renshi | Disciple Teacher |
Renshu | Training; Training the body |
Renzoku Ken | Continuous Fist |
Ritsu Rei | Standing bow |
Roku | Six. See also numerals |
Ryo | Both |
Ryu | Family; System; Dragon |
Ryukyu | Okinawa |
S | |
Sai | Three-pronged metal weapon |
Sagi | Heron |
Sammai | Concentration; Absorption |
San | Three. See also numerals |
Sanchin | Three battle; Tension |
Sanchin dachi | Three Battle stance |
San-ju | Thirty |
Sankaku | Triangle |
Sasae tsurikomi ashi | Lifting pulling foot prop |
Satori | Enlightenment |
Seigyo | Control |
Seiho | Spirit (healing) division or method. |
Seiken | Forefist |
Seishin | Soul; Spirit of God |
Seiza | Correct sitting; Formal sitting position. |
Sempai | Senior |
Sensei | Teacher |
Senshin | Concentration; Undivided attention; Singleness of purpose |
Sesshin | Concentrating; Unifying the mind. |
Shi | Four. See also numerals |
Shiai | Contest |
Shichi | Seven. See also numerals |
Shiden | Historical tradition |
Shihan | Master instructor (4th-5th Dan). |
Shika | Historian |
Shiken | Test; Examination |
Shimbun | Newspaper |
Shime | Choke/Strangle |
Shime waza | Choking techniques |
Shinai | Bamboo Sword |
Shinjitsu | Reality |
Shinken | Real sword; Real fist |
Shinko | Faith; Faith that looks up; Stretch. |
Shinsei | Divine nature; Holiness; Godliness |
Shinwa | Friendship; Fellowship |
Shinyo | Faith; Faith effort, in your own work |
Shizen | Natural |
Shizen-tai | Natural posture |
Shodai | First generation; Founder |
Shodai Soke | Founding Father; First Soke |
Shomei | Summons of destiny; Call of God. |
Shorei | Encouragement. |
Shotokan | A Karate System Founded by Gichin Funikoshi. See also Funikoshi, Gichin |
Shudo | Leadership; Guidance |
Shugyo | Austere preactice; Hard training |
Shuto | Swordhand; Chop |
Shuto uchi | Knife hand strike |
Shuto uke | Knife hand block |
So | Head; Master; Phase |
Sode | Sleeve |
Soke | Head Master; Grand Master; Head of the Family |
Soke Sho | Soke Writes |
Sokuto | Foot sword |
Soto | Outer; Outside |
Soto makikomi | Outer winding throw |
Soto shuto | Outside knife-hand block |
Suki | Gap; Ungaurded moment; Dead time. |
Sukui | Scooping |
Sukui nage | Scooping throw |
Sumi gaeshi | Corner throw |
Sumi otoshi | Corner drop |
Sun Dome | To stop one inch |
Sutemi | Sacrifice |
Sutemi waza | Sacrifice techniques |
Suwari Waza | Sitting techniques |
T | |
Tachi | Standing. |
Tachi waza | Standing techniques. |
Taido | Attitude. |
Taiho | Arrest; Capture; Holding methods. |
Taiko | Body cavity. |
Tai otoshi | Body drop |
Taisabaki | Body movement |
Taiso | Body manipulation; Exercise |
Tameshiwari | Test by breaking Breaking demonstration |
Tanden | Point just below the navel |
Tani otoshi | Valley drop |
Tanto | Short sword |
Tate | Vertical |
Tate tsuki | Vertical punch (boxer's jab). |
Te | Hand. See also Karate |
Teisho | Heel palm |
Teisho tsuki | Heel palm punch. |
Teisho uchi | Heel palm strike. |
Teisho uke | Heel palm block. |
Teiji dachi | T-stance. |
Tenkan | Pivot. |
Tenshin Sho | Divine Illumination; Inspiration for creating a Ryu. |
Tettsui | Iron hammer. |
Te-waza | Hand techniques. |
To | Sword. |
Tobi | Leaping; Jumping; Flying. |
Tomoe | Circle. |
Tomoe nage | Circle throw. |
Tonfa | Wooden rod with handle at right angle, used in pairs. |
Tori | Defender, demonstrator of technique. |
Torite | See tuite. |
Tsugi no kata | Following form. |
Tsuki | Punch; knuckle strike with first two knuckles only. |
Tsuki no sandan | Three levels of thrusts. |
Tsukamu | Grab. |
Tsukkomu | Hand thrust. |
Tsuki waza | Punching techniques. |
Tsukuri | Stepping into the throw. |
Tsume | Claw. |
Tsuriai | Balance. |
Tsuru | Crane. |
Tsuri goshi | Lifting hip throw. |
Tsurikomi goshi | Lifting-pulling hip throw. |
Tsuzumi | Hand drum. |
Tuite | 1. Grappling techniques. 2. Using pressure points for joint manipulation |
U | |
Uchi | Inside. |
Uchideshi | Special disciple. |
Uchikomi | Repeated practice of throwing techniques. |
Uchi mata | Inner thigh throw. |
Uchi waza | Striking techniques. |
Ude | Arm. |
Ude uki | Forearm block. |
Uke | Block. Age uke. |
Ukemi | Falling and rolling exercises. |
Uki | Attacker, to whom techniques are done. |
Uki goshi | Floating hip throw. |
Uki otoshi | Floating drop. |
Uki waza | Floating throw. |
Ulna | (English) Bone on little-finger side of wrist. |
Ulna press | (English) Straight arm bar with wrist on opponent's elbow. |
Undo ryoho | Exercise cure. |
Uraken uchi | Back fist strike. |
Ura nage | Back throw. |
Ushiro | Back; Rear. |
Ushiro geri | Back kick. |
Ushiro goshi | Back hip throw. |
W | |
Waza | Techniques |
Y | |
Yama | Mountain. |
Yama bushi | Mountain warriors. |
Yama tsuki | U-punch. |
Yari | Spear. |
Yoi | Ready. |
Yoko | Side. |
Yoko gake | Side body drop. |
Yokogiru | Cross. |
Yoko geri | Side kick. |
Yoko guruma | Side wheel. |
Yoko kekome | Side thrust kick. |
Yoko otoshi | Side drop. |
Yoko shio gatame | Side four corner hold. |
Yoko tobo geri | Jump side kick. |
Yoko taer | Laying. |
Yoko wakare | Side separation. |
Yudansha | One who is a black belt; Blackbelt Holders |
Z | |
Zanshin | Ready mind; Alertness. |
Zazen | Sitting meditation. |
Zen | Meditation |
Zenkutsu dachi | Forward stance. |
Zenshin | Gradual progress; Steady advance. |