Welcome To The Iceman's Pop Culture Library

I never thought I would see the day! Mick "The Man" Foley is the WWF Champion!!! There is no one out there in the wrestling world that deserves the belt more than Foley does. I can't wait to see how it plays out on Raw! I wonder if Socko gets a belt too?

From Time to Time, this graphic will change. It represents various aspects of my personal pop culture library: wrestling, kool-aid, music, movies, high school life in Alabama, life styles from the 60's to the 90's, literature, and anything else I can think of.

Welcome to my World, you may call me The Iceman!.

Here's a little bit about myself:
I am 16 years old, I live in Alabama, and I am fascinated by several aspects of America's Popular Culture such as music, movies, Kool-Aid(odd enough for ya?), T.V., Pro-Wrestling, American high school life of past and present, and cool literature. My favorite musical styles are Classic Rock, Punk, and Ska with my favorite bands being Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Phish, REM, Grateful Dead, The Doors, The Allman Bros, No Doubt, and a bunch others. My favorite movies are Dazed and Confused, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Clerks, Star Wars, and a bunch others. My favorite T.V. Shows are The Simpsons, South Park, Cheers, Married with Children, WCW Monday Nitro, WCW Thunder, WWF Raw Is War and Warzone, and Austin Short Stories. Finally, my favorite wrestlers are Chris Benoit(PUSH HIM BISCHOFF!), MICK FOLEY WHO FINALLY GOT SOME DAMN RESPECT AND THE WWF TITLE!!! GOD IT FEELS GOOD TO SAY THAT! Sabu, RVD, Eddie Guererro, Chris Jericho(Yes, I am a Jerichoholic), Dean Malenko(The True Iceman), all the Luchadores, Saturn, Stone Cold, D-X, Brian Christopher, The Undertaker, The Headbangers, Booker T., Ric Flair(Bow down to the master), Arn Anderson(The True Enforcer), Disco Inferno, Terry Funk, and a bunch others. High school wise, I go to a southern high school and it just screams classic stereo-typical southern highschool. You got your rednecks who keep it flying, you got your jocks who think they're all that. Then, you got your stoners, intellects, and punkers who don't know what they did to be put here. Lifestyle wise, this site will show my love for the late 60's, the entire 70's, and yes, even the 80's. I don't really meld well with the 90's because it is too techincal. I long for the days of good old livin: L-I-V-I-N! Literary wise, I love writing anything. I am currenty working on a movie script that is a meld of Dazed and Confused, Fast Times, American Grafitti, and The Breakfast Club. I also write poetry and I will be posting my better work on the site. So in conclusion, this is who I am and I hope you enjoy this groovy and far out sight man!(I just love the 70's!)

Follow these links to seperate pages for each thing I just discussed:

1. Wrestling: Ah, could these guys lives get any better? You roll around and beat the snot out of each other and get paid for it! Clearly, this profession is one I am going to bust into whether they like it or not. Follow the link to get to wrestling links and e-wrestling information.
ECW: Join The Revolution. Mr Paul E. is one of my heroes

2. Music: The universal language. Actually, today's music is pale in comparison to that of the late 60's, 70's, and early 80's. However, I am not too critical of today's current music. I am a big fan of such present bands like Phish, REM, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, No Doubt, and Tom Petty. Funny, most of these bands were around a lot longer than their current fans think. Note, I'll try to update the music reviews ASAP
Tom Petty: Could he get any better?

3. Movies: Ah, a brief distraction from the present. Movies have been part of our culture since the 20's and they will remain etched in our heads until God knows how long. My favorite genre is total character development, and zero plot. If you want examples of this, look at anything Richard Linklater makes(Dazed and Confused, and Slacker) or Kevin Smith(Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma). I also enjoy movies about high school and the tales of its students(Dazed and Confused, again, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Breakfast Club, and American Grafitti) Click on the poster of the greatest party movie of all time to go to my personal movie theater. Note, I'll try to update the reviews ASAP
Dazed and Confuse:Watch it with a bud!

4. Kool-Aid: Strange as it might sound, Kool-Aid is a part of America's popular culture. It is our favorite powdered drink that has enough sugar in it to send an elephant into shock. God I love this stuff! My favorite flavors are Tropical Punch, Oh-Yeah Orange Pineapple, Grapeberry Splash, Kicking Kiwi-Lime, and Cherry. Click on the cool package art at the top of the page, or after these words to go to my kool-aid room.
Tropical Punch: The Drink of Kings!

5. Lifestyles: The way we live. The way other people portray us. America has had some wild lifestyles in the past 30 years and inside, there is a brief collection of stuff about them. From the flower power of the late 60's to the rocking times of the 70's to the commercialism of the 80's and finally to what we call the 90's, it is all how we lived. Follow the smiley face to go inside.
The Smiley Face: This guy's got no worries.

6. High School Life: High School life in Alabama, what did I do wrong? Step inside to have your own look. I haven't got a graphic yet so bare with me and click below. This section is now dedicated to the memory of Dale Lawson: 1981-1998
highschool life

7. CD NOW: Come on guys, help me make some fast money and contribute to this great offer! Just click on the item you want, type in the information, and VIOLA! You are there.


Album Title

Song Title

8. AMAZON.COM: This is the same deal as CDNow: You buy stuff, I get money. It's a win-win situation!
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That's all for now. Come back later because I'll probably be adding stuff for skating, video games, and something like hemp. Click below if you want to email me. I want to hear from you. I'll also be adding a guestbook real soon.

You've been chilling at The Iceman's crib, complements of The Iceman
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