McAlpine Creek Park Girls'
N.C. All-Time Top 100 Performers

McAlpine Creek Park opened in 1980 and hosted the NCHSAA state meet from 1980 until 2001, the Wendy's Invitational since 1980, the Kinney/FootLocker Southeast Regional Championships since 1982, Great American in 1999 and 2000 and other major high school meets. The following list reflects the Top 100 N.C. girls' performers All-Time for the course.
1.  Sarah-Vance Goodman  Asheville TC Roberson      17:23.4  1996 FootLocker
2.  Karen Godlock        Polk County                17:24.9  1992 NCHSAA 1A/2A
3.  Laura Stanley        Asheville Carolina Day     17:34.6  2001 FootLocker
4.  Carly Matthews       Winston-Salem Mount Tabor  17:35.9  2001 FootLocker
5.  Julia Lassiter Lucas Charlotte Myers Park       17:38.1  2000 Wendy's
6.  Katie Albright       Wake Forest Home School    17:51.8  2002 FootLocker Fr/So Race
7.  Casey McGraw         Morganton Freedom          17:54.0  1999 NC 4A West Regional
8.  Kathy Ormsby         Richmond County            17:55.1  1982 FootLocker
9.  Adrianne Soo         Durham Academy             17:56    2006 FootLocker
10. Callan Fike          Raleigh Athens Drive       17:57    2005 Wendy's
11. Kimberly Spano       North Mecklenburg          17:59    2005 FootLocker
12. Erika Schneble       Hendersonville             17:59.7  2001 FootLocker
13. Ariel Glassman       Hendersonville             18:00.5  1999 FootLocker
14. Kristin Stroupe      Watauga                    18:02    2001 Wendy's
15. Andie Cozzarelli     Apex                       18:04    2006 Wendy's
    Marley Burns         Asheville Carolina Day     18:04    2006 FootLocker
17. Kate Merrill         Durham Jordan              18:07.2  2002 FootLocker
18. Ami Herrman          Charlotte Providence       18:09.2  1992 NC 4A West Regional
19. Heather Beichner     Raleigh Cardinal Gibbons   18:10    2006 FootLocker
20. Alisha Little        East Burke                 18:10.6  1998 Wendy's
21. Brenna Burns         Asheville Carolina Day     18:14    2003 FootLocker
22. Courtney Whittington Winston Salem Mount Tabor  18:15    2006 FootLocker
23. Beth Fonner          Trinity                    18:16.2  1997 Wendy's
24. Nelly Anderson       Charlotte Cordillera Acad. 18:16.9  2001 FootLocker
25. Elizabeth Bruce      Forsyth Country Day        18:17    2003 FootLocker
26. Tsehaye Dagnachew    Jacksonville               18:22.5  2001 NCHSAA 4A
27. Jessica Collins      Eastern Wayne              18:22.7  2001 FootLocker
28. Diana Henderson      North Henderson            18:28    1998 FootLocker
    Ginger Wheeler       Winston-Salem Mt. Tabor    18:28    2000 NCHSAA 4A
30. Amy Dock             Charlotte Providence       18:29.4  1998 NCHSAA 4A
31. Amelia Slagle        North Mecklenburg          18:31    2000 NCHSAA 4A
    Leigh Ann Taylor     Monroe                     18:31    2003 Wendys
33. Jennifer Kelley      Asheville TC Roberson      18:31.6  2001 FootLocker
34. Laura Hamm           Raleigh Leesville Road     18:32.7  1998 NCHSAA 4A
    Alicia Valtin        Western Harnett            18:32.7  2001 NCHSAA 4A
36. Jenny Box            Charlotte Country Day      18:32.8  1998 CISAA
37. Caroline Kirby       Asheville TC Roberson      18:34    2005 FootLocker
38. Monique Jones        Northwest Cabarrus         18:35    2005 3A Midwest Regional
39. Cassie King          East Forsyth               18:35.1  2001 FootLocker
40. Alissa Wilke         Charlotte Providence       18:36    2003 Wendy's/SW4A Conference meet
41. Elspath Hamilton     Asheville AC Reynolds      18:36.9  1998 NCHSAA 4A
42. Jamie Newnam         Chapel Hill                18:38    1986 NCHSAA 4A
    Whitney Weber        West Forsyth               18:38    1997 Wendy's
    Kelly Weinel         Wake Forest Rolesville     18:38    2001 Wendy's
45. Erin Kelley          Asheville TC Roberson      18:38.9  1998 Wendy's
46. Stacey Watkins       Greensboro Grimsley        18:40    1986 NCHSAA 4A
47. Rachel Kitson        Chapel Hill                18:41    2000 NCHSAA 4A
48. Laura Brentnell      Jamestown Ragsdale         18:43    2005 3A Midwest Regional
    Brittany Johnson     Morrisville Green Hope     18:43    2005 FootLocker
50. Meredith Faircloth   Raleigh Broughton          18:44.2  1994 FootLocker
51. Addie Bower          Watauga                    18:44.4  1994 NCHSAA 4A
52. Mandy Becker         Fuquay-Varina              18:44.6  1994 FootLocker
53. Tammie Carpenter     Smithfield-Selma           18:44.7  1990 NCHSAA 4A
54. Frances Warner       Fayetteville Smith         18:45.5  1993 NCHSAA 4A
55. Julie Wilhelm        Wilmington Hoggard         18:45.6  1997 NCHSAA 4A
56. Jennifer Dimsdale    Polk County                18:46.4  1996 NCHSAA 1A/2A
57. Lia Andrews          Pinecrest                  18:47    2000 NCHSAA 4A
58. Jessica Durrant      North Henderson            18:47.6  2001 NCHSAA 2A
59. Beth Ruggles         East Burke                 18:48    1983 NCHSAA
60. Courtney Bowen       Winston-Salem Mount Tabor  18:48    2005 Wendy's
61. Tomeka Whitten       West Forsyth               18:49    1985 NCHSAA
    Kathryn Daniel       Charlotte Myers Park       18:49    1997 Wendy's
    Elizabeth Kreul-Starr Raleigh Ravenscroft       18:49.0  1996 FootLocker
    Morgan Turner        Lincolnton                 18:49    2006 FootLocker
65. Marina Chase         Watauga                    18:49.1  1998 NCHSAA 4A
66. Amy Dibianca         Winston-Salem Mount Tabor  18:49.5  2001 NCHSAA 4A
67. Jessa Giroux         Southeast Raleigh          18:49.7  1999 NCHSAA 4A
68. Ginna Calloway       Watauga                    18:50    2002 NC 4A West Regional
    MacKenzie Pierce     Forsyth Country Day        18:50    2003 NCISAA 3A
70. Jenna Giroux         Southeast Raleigh          18:50.3  1999 NCHSAA 4A
71. Madison Stark        Chapel Hill                18:51    2006 Wendy's/FootLocker
    Tara Wilson          South Caldwell             18:51    2006 Wendy's
73. Anna-Ball Hodge      Raleigh Broughton          18:51.7  1999 NCHSAA 4A
74. Lindsey Nadolski     Chapel Hill                18:52    2004 Wendy's
75. Allison Hofmann      Charlotte Myers Park       18:53    2006 Wendy's
    Becky Johnson        Chapel Hill                18:53    2006 Wendy's
77. Kristen McKinney     Cary                       18:53.6  1993 Wendy's
    Erin Howard          Sun Valley                 18:53.6  1997 Wendy's
79. Elyse Kopecky        Charlotte Providence Day   18:54    1997 CISAA
80. Lynn Metzger         Raleigh Broughton          18:54.2  1990 NCHSAA 4A
81. Renn Watkins         Wake-Forest Rolesville     18:54.9  1999 Wendy's
82. Whitney Woods        Watauga                    18:55    1997 Wendy's
83. Cindy Little         Asheville TC Roberson      18:55.6  1982 NCHSAA
84. Silica Johnson       Greensboro Grimsley        18:56    1989 NCHSAA 4A
    Jill Yandle          Charlotte Providence Day   18:56    2006 Regular season meet
85. Missy Dock           Charlotte Providence       18:56.2  1999 Great American
86. Francine Dumas       Asheville TC Roberson      18:58    1985 NCHSAA
87. Andrea Bailey        Raleigh Millbrook          18:58.6  1990 NCHSAA 4A
88. Loretta Simeon       Asheville                  18:59    1983 NCHSAA
89. Jane Maxwell         Charlotte Providence Day   18:59.8  1998 CISAA
90. Karen Dunn           Garner                     19:00    1981 NCHSAA
91. Jordan Gaddy         Enka                       19:00    2006 Wendy's 
92. Charlotte Carlson    Northwest Cabarrus         19:01    1983 Charlotte Sectional
    Erin Musson          Wilkes Central             19:01    1994 Wendy's/NCHSAA 3A
94. Taylor Barr          Asheville Carolina Day     19:01.5  2002 FootLocker
95. Kasey Smith          South Stokes               19:01.6  2001 NCHSAA 1A
96. Kala Robertson       Surry Central              19:02    2003 Wendy's
    Sherrika Jordan      Charlotte Harding          19:02    2005 Wendy's
98. Julia Morton         Winston-Salem Mount Tabor  19:02.2  2002 FootLocker
99. V. Livingston        Richmond County            19:03    1983 Wendy's
    Amy Knox             West Henderson             19:03    1990 FootLocker Fr/So Race
    Caitlin Littlefield  Raleigh Leesville Road     19:03    2000 NCHSAA 4A

This page was last modified at 2:53 a.m. Sunday, November 26, 2006

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