1962 North Carolina High School State Cross-Country Meet

NCHSAA Boys Finley Golf Course, Chapel Hill - Saturday, November 10, 1962 (2.2 miles)

1. Asheville Lee Edwards    79
2. Charlotte Myers Park     80
3. Durham                  147
4. Greensboro Grimsley     147
5. Hendersonville          179
6. East Mecklenburg        184
7. W-S Reynolds            241
8. South Mecklenburg       267
9. Garinger                272
10. Wilmington New Hanover 274
11. Fuquay Springs         297
12. West Mecklenburg       311
13. Chapel Hill            389

Individuals (2.2 miles; 160 runners participated)
1. David Starnes  Hendersonville       11:33.9
2. Robert Dean    Charlotte Myers Park
3. Harry Boyte    Greensboro Grimsley

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