All About Me...
Here is a small list of things about myself, my hobbies, interests, and a few other things that I just thought I would throw in for fun...

DID YOU KNOW??...Before working for the NY Mets, Adam worked at the Geraldo Rivera Talk Show in the mailroom. He oversaw all mail...including the over 200 e-mails the show got every day.

DID YOU KNOW??...[April 15th, 1998] Shea Stadium: Both The New York Mets and The New York Yankees took part in what was baseball's first-ever interleague, intercity, day-night doubleheader...all due to structural damage at Yankee Stadium. New York swept the doubleheader as the Yankees knocked off the Angels by a score of 6-3 in the afternoon, while the Mets beat the Cubs 2-1 some several hours later.


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