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A Word About Support.....

On July 21, 1986, a young pitcher named Michelle Smith injured her elbow so severely she was told she might never pitch again. Exactly 10 years to the day, Smith took the softball field with the rest of her USA teammates in the 1996 Olympic Games.

Smith would probably be the first to admit that she needed the support of her teammates, family, coaches, and friends to overcome her injury and fulfill her Olympic dream.

Our Junior Olympic athletes need our support also.

Support is what an 8-year-old needs when the ball goes through their legs for the fifth consecutive time, even though they were trying their hardest to keep their knees bent and glove to the ground.

Support is what a 15-year-old needs after they pop up for the last out of the game. Don't forget their 3-for-5 offensive performance or their great defensive play.

Support is what a team needs after a tough loss, especially when they played well, but still lost by a run.

No victory is worth the loss of self-esteem and self-worth, especially for our young players. Few victories are worth it if you don't enjoy the effort. Coaches and parents can help ensure that victory is sweet and that losses are used as positive learning tools. Every day this season, at the end of practice or a game, say something positive to every player on your team. A few kind, sincere words may go a lot further than you will ever know.

This exerpt was taken from "Balls & Strikes", ASA Magazine and written by Karen Weisman, ASA National Director of Junior Olympic Softball. It was submitted for this page by Joe Joyce, NPGS Player Agent.

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