
E-mail me

Daniel Watterson Jr.

Daniel Watterson Sr.

Welcome to the family tree.  Please pass any information on to me vial the email button at the top and bottom of the page.  This is a basic start, but I hope to expand this to include much more information. 
Thanks...Dan Jr.

Nancy (Feulner) Watterson

Patrick Watterson

John Watterson

Wendy Yahoo

Christian Yahoo

Edith Watterson

Jill Seedies

Tuesday Yahoo

Scott Yahoo

Jill Sans

Gill Sans

Lana Yahoo

Bill Sans

Brian Yahoo

Add your text here

Claudia Bodini

Jake Lee

David Lee

Add your text here

Kimberly Lee

Stephanie Yahoo

Kyle Gooey

Gary Gooey

Andy Gooey

Stephanie Yahoo

Brendan Gooey

Ivana Cook

Blake Duncan, IV

Blake Duncan, III

Harry Jang

Madeleine Jang

Audrey Duncan

June Yahoo

Jerry Yang

Irene Jang

This page is maintained by Daniel Watterson Jr.!  Email me!