
Fun, Fellowship, Friends and Good Exercise is what Square Dancing is All About

Why Square Dance?

Square Dancing is considered by many to be America's Folk Dance. Square Dance Clubs are found in every State, in all the Canadian Provinces and in more than 50 countries. There are about 100 Square Dance Clubs in the Washington- Baltimore area.

Square Dance calls and movements raise the heart reate as any good aerobic exercise should. The quick changes of direction loosen and tone up muscles and strengthen the weight bearing bones, all of this at the tempo of a brisk walk. A few hours of Square Dancing provides healthy exercise and strong social ties with other square dancers while having fun.
What Does It Take?

Square Dancing requires practice to achieve the self-assurance needed to enjoy square dancing. In addition to dancing in class, class-level dances are available so you can enjoy dancing with other new dancers and callers. Fun, fellowship and friends will follow those who learn to dance well.
What Do I Wear?

Comfortable clothes are the best advice, with skirts and flat-heeled shoes for the ladies and long-sleeve shirts and comfortable shoes for the men. As you progress as a square dancer, you will agree that dressing for a dance is part of the fun. After all, the "fluffy crinolines" are as much a part of Square Dancing as the fiddle, the bow, the caller and the do sa do.
Your Commitment?

Financial and time commitments are required. Classes will require 36 weeks for the 90 hours recommended for the CALLERLAB Basic , Mainstream and Plus Square Dance Program, the predominant square dance level in the Washington-Baltimore area. The cost for lessons is $60.00 per person for each 12 session.
Sponsors' Commitment?

The Boomerangs are a square dance organization whose only purpose is to promote, recruit and teach square dancing. Our goal is to provide new dancers a class experience that is both educationally and socially enjoyable.

This page was last updated 31 March 2000 and is maintained by WebMaster.