Welcome to the home page of


            KUALA LUMPUR

                                    running since 1938


History of the Hash, where it all began
Hash House Harriers, how on earth did the name arise ?
List of Office Bearers since 1938

Newsletters                      directions to runs

Gazzetted Runs           all our  festival runs

The 3000th Run            read all about it

Links                                      find the connection to other related sites

Members Page            details of our members

Our loyal Members

Interhash Activities       what  we do outside Mondays

Pictures                                 see some of our members at play

Anecdotes                     read about exploits of members getting lost, etc

How to set a good run   some guidelines and recommendations

For the Hash Heritage site click here

Tocontact us by e-mail  click here

Last updated 14 September 2001