Welcome to my Guestbook!

Marty Gilmour - 12/20/00 17:11:55
My URL:http://michigan USA
My Email:midden97@aol.com
Supporter since...: late 60's


Marty Gilmour - 12/20/00 17:11:30
My Email:midden97@aol.com
Supporter since...: late 60's


David Duncan - 12/03/00 19:46:48
My URL:http://Orange County, CA
My Email:djduncan65@hotmail.com
Supporter since...: Birth
Fav Killie Players Past: Big McD
Fav Killie Players Current: Gary Holt
Fav Killie Memory: The Cup - 1997
Fav Other Team: There is only 1 Killie
I hate Ayr Utd because...: it's the right thing to do

Looking forward to the official US/Canada Killie Supportes Club being founded.

Malcolm Reid - 11/30/00 01:27:43
My URL:Schnecksville PA
My Email:reidfamily@fast.net
Supporter since...: 1967 ish
Fav Killie Players Past: Eddie Morrison
Fav Killie Players Current: Andy McL
Fav Killie Memory: Sc Cup Win....what else
Fav Other Team: Cove Rangers
I hate Ayr Utd because...: just because...OK


Billy Buchanan - 10/22/00 11:49:45
My URL:http://Houston USA
My Email:billy_buchanan@caldive.com
Supporter since...: 1963
Fav Killie Players Past: Andy King
Fav Killie Players Current: Gary Holt
Fav Killie Memory: 97 Cup Final
Fav Other Team: Forres Mechanics
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I don`t, I just feel sorry for them!


David Woodison - 10/08/00 13:51:53
My URL:http://Cumnock -20 mins fae Killie
My Email:woody_jnr@amserve.net
Supporter since...: ma 1st footy match. 1994, Killie 3 Dons 1
Fav Killie Players Past: Berti Black
Fav Killie Players Current: Chris Innes + Big freddi
Fav Killie Memory: 1997 cup final
Fav Other Team: N/A
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I luv Killie


carole borland - 09/27/00 17:41:37
My Email:stuartagrant@hotmail.com
Supporter since...: 1988
Fav Killie Players Past: tom brown,ray montgomerie
Fav Killie Players Current: freddy dindeluxe,MCclaren
Fav Killie Memory: the scottish cup win
Fav Other Team: rangers
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they suck


Brett Boyd - 09/23/00 05:59:11
My URL:Austin, Texas
My Email:killie@swbell.net
Supporter since...: 2000
Fav Killie Players Current: Andy McLaren
Fav Killie Memory: 5-August Rangers Game (I was actually there!)


- 09/11/00 23:45:02


Barry - 09/11/00 11:06:55
Supporter since...: 1985
Fav Killie Players Past: Bobby Williamson
Fav Killie Players Current: Jerome Vareille
Fav Killie Memory: 5-1 againt raith in 1994
Fav Other Team: Man Utd
I hate Ayr Utd because...: there scrum


- 09/11/00 01:13:32


Jim Daly - 09/06/00 15:13:56
My URL:http://bedminster NJ
My Email:jdalykfc1@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1975
Fav Killie Players Current: Gary Holt
Fav Killie Memory: Scottish cup final
Fav Other Team: Leeds
I hate Ayr Utd because...: it's good to hate


jim caldwell - 08/27/00 03:18:20
My Email:jcaldwell31@home.com
Supporter since...: 1936
Fav Killie Players Past: jimmy brown
Fav Killie Players Current: ally mcoist
Fav Killie Memory: winning cup
Fav Other Team: man utd
I hate Ayr Utd because...: there ayr


Robin Wyllie - 08/19/00 23:05:16
My Email:robinjwyllie@aol.com
Supporter since...: ah wiz a wee boy
Fav Killie Players Past: Paul Wright
Fav Killie Players Current: Durrant
Fav Killie Memory: Kaiserslautern away game
Fav Other Team: Irvine Vics
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I've seen us put out of the Cup twice at the piggery!

Killie till I die!

james strang - 08/19/00 16:47:44
My URL:scotland oban
My Email:http://jamesstrang@builtlikeabrickshithouse.com
Supporter since...: when i was 7yrs now im 14
Fav Killie Players Past: raymongomerie
Fav Killie Players Current: jerome varielle
Fav Killie Memory: scottishcupwinners1997
Fav Other Team: dunfermline athletic
I hate Ayr Utd because...: because they smell of fish

nice idea

STUART ARTHUR - 08/14/00 06:46:34
My URL:http://qualicum_beach_bc_canada
My Email:deltahf@telus.net
Supporter since...: 1988
Fav Killie Players Past: RAY MONTGOMERY
Fav Killie Players Current: GUS McPHERSON
Fav Killie Memory: SCOTTISH CUP WINNERS 1997


Paul mccallum - 08/11/00 14:34:05
My Email:mccallumpg@yahoo.com
Supporter since...: early childhood
Fav Killie Players Past: Ray Montgomerie
Fav Killie Players Current: jerome vareille
Fav Killie Memory: promotion to premier league vs hamilton
Fav Other Team: ardrossan winton rovers
I hate Ayr Utd because...: evrything about them is disgusting


ctgarrick - 08/02/00 01:21:01
My URL:hamilton,ontario
My Email:ctgarrick@hotmail.com
Supporter since...: conception
Fav Killie Players Past: eddie morrison,bobby ferguson,dave hynds
Fav Killie Players Current: gary holt,kevin mcgowan
Fav Killie Memory: real madrid game
Fav Other Team: are there other teams.
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they are still alive


Matt Paterson - 07/29/00 17:37:40
My URL:Utica, New York (and Caroga Lake, NY)
My Email:mpaterso@telenet.net
Supporter since...: 1939
Fav Killie Players Past: Bob Thyne
Fav Killie Players Current: Gary Holt
Fav Killie Memory: Visiting Rugby Park last year.
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Because they smell of fish.


michael dodds - 07/27/00 02:45:57
My URL:http://hamilton/CANADA
My Email:doddsy@interlynx.net
Supporter since...: 1956
Fav Killie Players Past: Jackie McGrory
Fav Killie Players Current: Not sure.
Fav Killie Memory: Winning league 64/65
Fav Other Team: Leeds Utd,Burlington Blast
I hate Ayr Utd because...: No comment!

Just discovered your website, great idea.Kind of lost touch the past few years but finding this site has rekindled some great memories.Keep up the good work! KILLIE FOR EVER!

Marty - 07/16/00 20:10:53
My Email:midden97@aol.com
Supporter since...: late 60's
Fav Killie Players Past: Bobby Houston
Fav Killie Players Current: wee Ally
Fav Killie Memory: THE cup final
Fav Other Team: Newcastle and Columbus crew

if there are any other Killie fans in this area, Please e-mail me.

Mark Maurer - 07/04/00 14:02:01
My URL:Mechanicsburg PA - USA
My Email:memaurer@yahoo.com
Supporter since...: 1996
Fav Other Team: West Ham U
I hate Ayr Utd because...: its instinctual


Bobby Fleeting - 06/22/00 01:35:31
My URL:Seminole, Florida
My Email:rfleeting@aol.com
Supporter since...: For life
Fav Killie Players Past: Bobby Williamson
Fav Killie Players Current: Bobby Williamson
Fav Killie Memory: Signing Bobby Williamson
Fav Other Team: Irvine Thistle
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Who?

Bobby was here when I filled this out.

Stephen Cohen - 06/17/00 15:52:22
My URL:Alexandria, VA
My Email:Cattledog@prodigy.net
Supporter since...: 1999
Fav Killie Players Past: no one in particular
Fav Killie Players Current: Mark Reilly (midfield)
Fav Killie Memory: hopefully this Sept '00 when I will finally get to go to a Killies game or two.
Fav Other Team: Finn Harps (Ireland) and DC United (US)
I hate Ayr Utd because...: every team should have one team that they absolutely hate!

If anyone gets the fixtures for the 2000-2001 season, please let me know immediately. I need to work my holiday around at least one of their matches. All the best

gerry connachan - 06/03/00 21:52:37
My Email:gerry@connachan.fsnet.co.uk
Supporter since...: 1969
Fav Killie Players Past: alan robertson/jim mcsherry
Fav Killie Players Current: gary holt/ally mitchell
Fav Killie Memory: cup win 97
Fav Other Team: larkhall thistle
I hate Ayr Utd because...: theyre mince

supported killie since 69 despite living in larky and one of best friends being willie mcstay. glory glory to the killie

- 06/03/00 01:09:11


Marty Gilmour - 05/02/00 12:28:17
My Email:MIDDEN97@aol,com
Supporter since...: mid/late 60s
Fav Killie Players Past: Bobby Houston
Fav Killie Players Current: wee Ally
Fav Killie Memory: 97 final
Fav Other Team: columbus crew


Drew Bolland - 03/30/00 03:09:24
My URL:http://Canada
My Email:dbmimco@sympatico.ca
Supporter since...: 1974

Moved to Canada from Shortlees, Kilmarnock in 1985.

HEATHER CONNOR - 03/20/00 00:19:10
My URL:http://Kilmarnock
Supporter since...: Since i was born
Fav Killie Players Past: Tom Brown, Tom Black
Fav Killie Players Current: Ally Mitchell
Fav Killie Memory: when we promoted to premier


jim caldwell - 03/17/00 21:09:16
My URL:http://canada
My Email:jim.caldwell2@sympatico.ca
Supporter since...: 1936
Fav Killie Players Past: freddie malloy
Fav Killie Players Current: wright
Fav Killie Memory: beatin falkirk for cup
Fav Other Team: man utd.
I hate Ayr Utd because...: there there!!

wish u all the succeas u wish for go killie

John Harris - 03/07/00 16:21:16
My URL:Ayr Scotland
My Email:9607154h@student.gla.ac.uk
Supporter since...: 1978
Fav Killie Players Past: MacPherson
Fav Killie Players Current: Dylan Kerr
Fav Killie Memory: scoring 6 goals against Ayr
Fav Other Team: Greenock Morton
I hate Ayr Utd because...: there shit


Graham Shaw - 03/03/00 13:29:01
My Email:9736960@mailer.rgu.ac.uk
Supporter since...: 02/11/78
Fav Killie Players Past: Tom Brown,Robert Reilly.
Fav Killie Players Current: Gary Holt,Gary Mcutcheon
Fav Killie Memory: Scottish Cup Final
Fav Other Team: Stranraer,Everton
I hate Ayr Utd because...: just because


Grahame P Hopper - 02/16/00 00:45:36
My URL:Ayrshire.Scotland
My Email:killiemen@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1990
Fav Killie Players Past: Tom Brown/Tom Black/jim Mcintyre
Fav Killie Players Current: Christophe Cocard/Iain Durrant
Fav Killie Memory: Beating Rangers 2-1 @ Ibrox 28th Aug 1993
Fav Other Team: Newcastle United/Sunderland
I hate Ayr Utd because...: They are shite and play in a slum.

Killie are the greatest.But we need a new stiker or we will face a test of relegation.Anyway going to Hampden tomorrow for the semi against the celts, so come on the Killie

Robin Harvey - 01/31/00 20:58:14
My URL:Ottawa, Canada
My Email:raharvey@sprynet.com
Supporter since...: 1974
Fav Killie Players Past: Brian Rodman, Jim Stewart
Fav Killie Players Current: Jerome Vareille, Gary Holt
Fav Killie Memory: Cup Final win, Ally McCoist signing
Fav Other Team: Tottenham Hotspur

I have supported Kilmarnock since about 1974 when I remember standing spending many Saturday afternoons in the winter freezing cold watching the team play with only a pie or a bovril at half time to warm up.

Darren Cook - 01/24/00 21:36:40
Supporter since...: 1984
Fav Killie Players Past: Tom Brown
Fav Killie Players Current: Ally Mitchell
Fav Killie Memory: 1997 cup final
Fav Other Team: none
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they're scum


Colin McGinley - 01/14/00 11:29:47
My URL:http://Kilmarnock
My Email:Mr_McGinley@Hotmail.com
Supporter since...: 1982
Fav Killie Players Past: Willie Watters
Fav Killie Players Current: Jerome Varielle
Fav Killie Memory: winning the scottish cup
Fav Other Team: wimbledon
I hate Ayr Utd because...: because there pish

Hi i wonder if you can help me i am doing a project at college and on your web site you have a tune which i am looking for to use for my killie web site at college. I was hoping you would be able to tell me where to get permission for the song from

Raymond Devlin - 01/12/00 00:09:16
My Email:raymondd88@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1964
Fav Killie Players Past: Eddie Morrison
Fav Killie Players Current: Ally Mitchell
Fav Killie Memory: Has to be 97 cup win
Fav Other Team: Man Utd
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I don't, just pity!

Great idea, hope it grows.

Raymond Devlin - 12/22/99 13:16:46
My URL:Coral Springs, Fla
My Email:raymondd88@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1964
Fav Killie Players Past: Eddie Morrison
Fav Killie Players Current: Ally Mitchell
Fav Killie Memory: Has to be cup win
Fav Other Team: Man Utd (since 60's!!!)
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I don't......sorry :)

Hope the idea takes off....good luck, and well done with the current sites.Would also be nice if Killie could win a game :)

Ross Gilmour - 12/13/99 00:33:11
Supporter since...: 1989
Fav Killie Players Past: Ally Mitchell
Fav Killie Players Current: Ally McCoist
Fav Killie Memory: Meeting Killie players( Pat Nevin etc.)
Fav Other Team: Glasgow Rangers
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Who are they?


Jack Johnstone - 12/10/99 21:05:14
My URL:http://Bethany, Ct
My Email:doreen.john@worldnet.att.net
Supporter since...: 1933
Fav Killie Players Past: Tammy Smith
Fav Other Team: Ayr


Andrew Goldie - 11/25/99 04:17:38
My URL:http://Canada
My Email:angtex@sympatico.ca
Supporter since...: 1953
Fav Killie Players Past: Jimmy Brown
Fav Killie Memory: To many to pick
Fav Other Team: Hurlford United
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they come from Ayr


donny muir - 10/06/99 11:18:15
My Email:donnymarnock@hotmail.com
Supporter since...: egg met sperm
Fav Killie Players Past: johnny henry
Fav Killie Players Current: ally mitchell
Fav Killie Memory: your goals at supporters match ( v ayr )
Fav Other Team: doncaster rovers
I hate Ayr Utd because...: its in the bible

it was good to meet you at the supporters match im eddie dangerous.

Robert Helton - 09/19/99 14:45:11
My URL:Lenoir,N.Carolina
My Email:www.rabhaw@webtv.net


Robert Helton - 09/18/99 16:10:14
My URL:http://Lenoir NC
My Email:rabhaw@webtv.com
Supporter since...: 1974
Fav Killie Players Past: all the 1979 team
Fav Killie Players Current: not sure


- 09/16/99 15:18:56


Stephen Mason - 09/10/99 19:38:36
My URL:Sunnyvale CA
My Email:Steve.Mason@Origin-it.com
Supporter since...: 1965


Mauro Nardini - 09/02/99 01:49:55
My URL:Newbury Park, California
My Email:mauro_nardini@yahoo.com


Marty Gilmour - 08/18/99 21:08:06
My URL:http://Troy (Detroit) M I USA
My Email:MIDDEN97@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1967
Fav Killie Players Past: Bobby Houston
Fav Killie Players Current: Wee Ally
Fav Killie Memory: 97 Cup win
Fav Other Team: Columbus Crew
I hate Ayr Utd because...: who cares about them


Marty Gilmour - 08/18/99 21:02:24
My URL:http://Troy (Detroit) M I USA
My Email:MIDDEN97@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1967
Fav Killie Players Past: Bobby Huston
Fav Killie Players Current: Wee Ally
Fav Killie Memory: 97 Cup win
Fav Other Team: Columbus Crew
I hate Ayr Utd because...: who cares about them


scott patrick mcghee - 08/16/99 00:41:51
My Email:spmkillie@tinyonline.co.uk
Supporter since...: i was born (1984)
Fav Killie Players Past: bobby geddes
Fav Killie Players Current: jerome vareille
Fav Killie Memory: obviously the cup
Fav Other Team: ipswich
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they are a bunch of ex-killie rejects!!!!!!!!!!

yes i know im from scotland but i thought i would put at least someone on this page COME ON THE KILLIE by the way i was just at the st johnstone match and they played shite! spmkillie@tiyonline.co.uk 15/8/99

BILL HAINEY - 08/08/99 20:37:04
My URL:http://OTTAWA
My Email:hainey @sprint.ca
Supporter since...: 1967
Fav Killie Players Past: Eddie Morrison
Fav Killie Players Current: Ally Mitchell
Fav Killie Memory: cup final 97
Fav Other Team: killie reserves
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they come fae Ayr


Fred Adams - 08/01/99 17:25:00
My URL:Greenville NC USA
My Email:grommit@greenvillenc.com
Supporter since...: 1953
Fav Killie Players Past: Ian McCulloch
Fav Killie Players Current: Monty
Fav Killie Memory: Paper roses after cup final.
Fav Other Team: Chelsea
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Comes natural


Bob Wallace - 08/01/99 01:44:57
My URL:Orangeville, Ontario
My Email:bobwallace3@compuserve.com
Supporter since...: mid 60s
Fav Killie Players Past: Tommy McLean
Fav Killie Players Current: There's only one JEROME
Fav Killie Memory: To avoid the obvious, how about away cup tie in Elgin in the early 70s
Fav Other Team: Stoke City
I hate Ayr Utd because...: More indifference than hate

I don't know if a holiday in Canada counts but thought I would make contact while I'm here. Pleased to hear about a good performance at Ibrox despite the result.

John Galbraith - 07/24/99 23:51:22
My Email:killie1@airmail,net
Supporter since...: 1965
Fav Killie Players Past: Frank Beattie
Fav Killie Players Current: Gary Holt
Fav Killie Memory: Scottish Cup final We Won!!
Fav Other Team: Dallas Cowboys!!!!!
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I was born that way!

Love the site so far keep it going!!

Harry Chadwick - 07/19/99 13:48:50
My URL:http://St.PeteBeach,FlUSA
My Email:HarChad@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1988
Fav Killie Players Past: Tommy Burns, Bobby Williamson
Fav Killie Players Current: all of them
Fav Killie Memory: Beating Rangers when they were undefeated for months at home
Fav Other Team: Aberdeen, USA Women
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Sorry, I'm not into that bit of rivalry.


BILL CLARK - 06/10/99 00:15:14
My URL:http://CANADA
My Email:WCLARK4788@AOL CAM.
Supporter since...: 1925
Fav Killie Players Past: BUD MAXWELL
Fav Killie Players Current: ALLY
Fav Killie Memory: BEATING RANGERS
I hate Ayr Utd because...: LET AYRSHIRE DOWN


Bert Dunlop - 05/16/99 23:42:22
My URL:http://St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
My Email:mdunlop@niagara.com
Supporter since...: 1957
Fav Killie Players Past: Jimmy Brown
Fav Killie Players Current: Montgomerie
Fav Killie Memory: Scottish Cup. 1997
Fav Other Team: Hearts

Leaving on holiday May 24th just in time for the Scottish Cup Final, pity Kilmarnock our home town isn't in it this year

Andy Bolland - 04/25/99 18:34:50
My URL:http://Elko, NV, USA
My Email:abolland@isat.com
Supporter since...: the 60's
Fav Killie Players Past: Andy Kerr
Fav Killie Memory: tie: 5-1 vs. Eintracht and 2-0 vs. Hearts 1965
Fav Other Team: Kilmarnock reserves


Brian McCall - 04/16/99 13:08:25
My URL:Toronto, Canada
My Email:mccallb@steelart.com
Supporter since...: Birth (1960)
Fav Killie Players Past: Eddie Morrison, Ian Fleming, Iain McCulloch, George Maxwell
Fav Killie Players Current: Gary Holt, Jerome Varielle
Fav Killie Memory: Watching us win the Cup with a large crowd of Killie exiles @ the Duke of Gloucester Pub in Toronto
Worst ever Killie players..: Rikki Sharp, hands down, no contest !!!
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Its more like pity than hatred

Hope we can all contribute to make the Supporters Club a succes

Rob Maloney - 04/15/99 23:14:08
My URL:New York, USA
My Email:RobMal@infoblvd.net
Supporter since...: 1982
Fav Killie Players Past: Tom Black, Neil Whitworth
Fav Killie Players Current: Gary Holt, Ian Durrant
Fav Killie Memory: 1997 Cup Final
Worst ever Killie players..: No Comment (too polite!)
I hate Ayr Utd because...: No comment, my grandparents are from Ayr!

Great site - I'm sure you'll reach 50 no problem.

- 04/15/99 17:18:45


Paul Miller - 04/11/99 17:39:21
My URL:Ottawa, Ontario
My Email:Bowgg@istar.ca
Supporter since...: early 80's
Fav Killie Players Past: Willie Watters,
Fav Killie Players Current: Durrant, Vareille
Fav Killie Memory: 24th May '97 until 7pm, the rest I don't remember
Worst ever Killie players..: who cares about the now!
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they are wankers, they are shite, need I go on


BILL MACKINTOSH - 04/08/99 00:30:05
My Email:william_mackintosh @ bc.sympatico.ca
Supporter since...: 1958
Fav Killie Players Past: FRANK BEATTY, JIMMY BROWN.
Fav Killie Players Current: ALLY.
Fav Killie Memory: LEAGUE CHAMPIOSHIP 60S.
Worst ever Killie players..: MC INALLY.


Alison - 04/07/99 19:54:58
My Email:rdlion@hotmail.com
Supporter since...: 1980
Fav Killie Players Past: my da as a ball boy
Fav Killie Players Current: Ally McCoist, Mark Roberst, Ally Mitchell, Ian Durrant
Fav Killie Memory: the cup
Worst ever Killie players..: hmmmmmm dunno I will get back to you
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they are shite

Good site! any supporters in the southwestern ontario area contact me.

William King - 04/06/99 09:37:50
My URL:San Jose, CA USA
My Email:bazuvius@hotmail.com
Supporter since...: I knew what soccer was
Fav Killie Players Past: You know, that one guy wearing blue and white. I cant remember his name.
Fav Killie Players Current: Gordon Marshal.
Fav Killie Memory: Winning the cup, even though I could only watch it on satelite
I hate Ayr Utd because...: My father told me to or else...

Alright I wasn't born or raised in Kilmarnock, not even Scotland, but Im sure I could be just as good a fan as if I had. I picked Killy because my dad's from there and I can even say that Ive been to Rugby park to watch a game.

Colin Jex - 04/04/99 17:50:21
My URL:Milford,MI,USA
My Email:drfrjex@home.com
Supporter since...: 1979

I have supported the Killies since I played against the Kilmarnock Boys Club Team (With Rob McNair)here in Michigan.

Stuart Montgomery - 04/03/99 03:28:26
My URL:http://USA
My Email:MagicCop@webtv.net
Supporter since...: Birth
Fav Killie Players Past: Mathie, McClean etc.
Fav Killie Players Current: All of the guys who've put Killie where it is today
Fav Killie Memory: Too many to list
Worst ever Killie players..: Is there any?
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Should be Hot Ayr United - but come on folks, look at the state of their park - got to feel some sorrow there! But then, think of all the villages that Ayr United supporters are depriving of idiots!

Been in the states for a year - but going back in May for good - and straight back to Rugby Park! This site is an excellent idea & I'll certainly be joining again when I get back 'on line' after I'm home. Best wishes to all Killie fans where ever you ar .

David Mann - 04/03/99 03:19:56
My URL:http://www.sympatico.ca
My Email:david.mann1@sympatico.ca
Supporter since...: 1958
Fav Killie Players Past: Jimmy Richmond
Fav Killie Memory: Beating Eintracht
Worst ever Killie players..: Jacky MacInally
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I'm a Killie supporter, why else?


Bobby Fleeting - 04/03/99 00:21:25
My URL:Seminole, FL
My Email:rfleeting@aol.com
Supporter since...: birth
Fav Killie Memory: too many to mention
I hate Ayr Utd because...: never give them a thought

Job well done on the web page. Best of luck. Bobby

Winnie Holland - 04/02/99 18:41:55
My Email:wholland@julian.uwo.ca
Supporter since...: 1955

Great idea!

Allan Wilson - 04/02/99 17:51:19
My URL:http://Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
My Email:wilson@westdata.com
Supporter since...: 1950 ( year I was born)
Fav Killie Players Past: Frank Beattie, Billy Muir, Ross Mathie and 1964/65 Championship Team
Fav Killie Players Current: Ally Mitchell, Gary Holt, Gordon Marshall
Fav Killie Memory: Ball boy @ Eintracht game
Worst ever Killie players..: None
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Ayr who????

I look forward to being at Rugby Park when a whole bunch of us can be there waving the US/Canadian flags and having a few pints.

Mauro Nardini - 04/02/99 16:14:03
My Email:mauro@latticesemi.com
Supporter since...: a long time ago
Fav Killie Players Past: tommy mclean
Fav Killie Players Current: haven't seen them in a few years..
Fav Killie Memory: Scottish Cup
Worst ever Killie players..: Derrick McDicken (also 'cos he crashed into my car..)
I hate Ayr Utd because...: You need a reason ?


David Young - 04/02/99 15:30:45
My URL:Albany, Ohio
My Email:dyoung@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu
Supporter since...: 1974ish
Fav Killie Players Past: Derrick McDicken, Iain McCulloch
Fav Killie Players Current: Jerome Vareille
Fav Killie Memory: Watching us win the Cup from a bar in Toronto with about another 20 Killie fans
Worst ever Killie players..: Such a choice! Anyone for Frank Welsh?
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Do you need to have a reason?

Great idea to do this.

ALAN HOWIE - 04/02/99 14:58:11
My Email:a_howie@cg0.wave.ca
Supporter since...: 1960
Fav Killie Players Past: Too many to list
Fav Killie Players Current: They are all very good
Fav Killie Memory: Real Madrid, Eintracht, Leeds Utd,plus
Worst ever Killie players..: We have had a few, but unfair to name any.
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I don't hate them. They are a good third division team.

This is a great idea, particularly as we are close to similar time zones. Many of us will know the Killie staff and therefore make it easier to get the club affiliated. Ian Welsh is a Prestwick boy with whom I played with at Ayr Albion in the 60's. Perhap , Alan Auld may know him as well. One thing I would like to do is join Killie's lifeline using Mastercard for payment. I wrote to them and advised them of this, which they will consider. Maybe we could all join as a group, the club could be the agent, an any commissions could be used for the benefit of the club, player of the year trophies etc.

Johnny Wilson - 04/02/99 14:31:45
My Email:johnwilson@ica.net
Supporter since...: Birth A long time ago
Fav Killie Players Past: Bob Thyne
Fav Killie Players Current: Ray Montgomerie
Fav Killie Memory: Winning league last game against Hearts
Worst ever Killie players..: never had one
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they have the shore

Keep up the good work Allan

George Batton - 04/02/99 14:05:13
My URL:Stamford, Ct, USA
My Email:George.Batton@Pepsi.com
Supporter since...: 4/28/68
Fav Killie Players Past: Jim Stewart, Allan McCulloch, Iain McCulloch, Tommy Burns
Fav Killie Players Current: Gus (honestly), Monty, Mitchell
Fav Killie Memory: Scottish Cup, Travelling Support when we were in the 2nd Division, 1-0 vs Celtic Scottish Cup, 1977
Worst ever Killie players..: McEachran, Jim Brown
I hate Ayr Utd because...: They won't admit they want to be as good as us, but they never will be. Also, they keep beating us!!!

Great idea to have a Supporters Club over here. Hopefully we will have enough members to make it official and formally link it with the club. Until then, Up the Killie and lets finish the season the way we started.

J. Ernest Cooper - 04/02/99 04:39:57
My URL:Lathrup Village, MI, USA
My Email:JECooper@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1990
Fav Killie Memory: Going to see the Cup
I hate Ayr Utd because...: All Killie fans do


Anne Marks - 04/02/99 04:01:32
My URL:Boise, Idaho
My Email:annemarks@msn.com
Supporter since...: 195?
Fav Killie Player Past: George Marshall
Fav Killie Player Current: Rab Montgomery
Fav Killie Memory: 1965 League Champions
Worst ever Killie player..: has there been one?
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they're from Ayr


john urness - 04/02/99 03:15:43
My Email:killiefc11@aol.com
Supporter since...: 1992
Fav Killie Player Past: tom black
Fav Killie Player Current: jerome vareille
Fav Killie Memory: 97 cup final win
I hate Ayr Utd because...: they smell


Barry King - 03/29/99 14:15:52
My URL:Madera, California
My Email:barrie@psnw.com
Supporter since...: Birth Oct.30, 1952
Fav Killie Player Past: Andy Kerr, Frank Beattie
Fav Killie Player Current: Jerome Veraille, Of course Ray Montgomerie and Gary Gary Holt
Fav Killie Memory: Tynecastle 1965 and coming back into Kilmarnock on the bus. MAGIC!!
Worst ever Killie player..: None
I hate Ayr Utd because...: I don't hate them only feel sorry for the lousy b******s as they've won f**k all and never will.

Great web page Allan. Keep up the good work.

Colin Syme - 03/29/99 13:52:43
My URL:Pittsburgh, PA
My Email:csyme+@pitt.edu
Supporter since...: Birth
Fav Killie Player Past: Mad Bob McConville
Fav Killie Player Current: Ray Montgomerie
Fav Killie Memory: Scottish Cup 1997
Worst ever Killie player..: Steven Kearney
I hate Ayr Utd because...: Somerset is one of the few grounds in Scotland that resembles a scene from Legoland

Allan, Great idea for the USA/Canadian branch. Hopefully once the association is up-and-running some influence on the club could be used to get live match commentary via the internet, and possibly a pre-season tour over here!

Raymond Devlin - 03/29/99 13:09:35
My URL:http://www
My Email:Raymond@fastfla.usa.com
Supporter since...: 1965
Fav Killie Player Past: Eddie Morrison
Fav Killie Player Current: Ray Montgomerie
Fav Killie Memory: The Cup win :)
Worst ever Killie player..: Where do i begin????
I hate Ayr Utd because...: See above!!!

Still fairly new to the computer world so not quite sure what to enter in city section. I live in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Good to see a site "all of our own". For now I can only access at work, once I get my own PC ,I will be able to have more input. Kee the faith!!!!!!!

Allan Auld - 03/27/99 17:32:08
My URL:/Colosseum/Slope/7701/index.html
My Email:Aulda@msn.com
City: Tucson, AZ, USA
Killie Era: 1970-81
Fav Player Past: Eddie Morrison
Fav Player Current: Gary Holt
Fav Killie Moment: 1997 Cup Win
Fav Other Team: Liverpool

Welcome ..... I hope this turns out to be a great venture .... "Go on the Killie" !!!

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