The following links are for Red Sox fans. These are websites dedicated to the fans of the 2004 and 2007 World Champions. ENJOY !!!!

Boston Dirt Dogs

38 Pitches

Sox Nation

The Remy Report

The following Links are other card related sites that I have either visited or have done business with. They are all professionally done and well worth your visit.

I am always looking to trade links with other collectors. If you would like to link to my website send me an email with your URL, Site Name and a brief description.

Click the banner below to visit the premier trading site on the interent. I have made hundreds of trades in this group and will continue to enhance my collection through them. These collectors trade to help you and not to try and take advantage of anyone. Try it you won't be disappointed.

We highly recommend the site below. It has a excellent layout and very easy to navigate. Just click the banner below.

Cheap Seats Sports Cards Logo

Click the banner below and you will go to an excellent website featuring all basabell cards. You will not be disappointed!


Deals in baseball cards. Large player selection. Has message board. Site is updated regularly. Please visit.

Take a look at this awesome website. They have everything a collector is looking for in all sports. You will not be disappointed.
America's Pastime's Baseball Cards

Amy's Auctions. All 4 sports are included. They have a lottery type scratch ticket on their site where you can win various prizes. Click below it's a must visit!

Click here to win packs of cards!

Here are some other top quality sites. All have loads of cards and hobby related information.

New York Sports Exchange

Bonin Sports Cards


Trading Bases

Wagner Sports Cards

Baseball Card Auctions
Free Listings! Baseball Card Auctions for less than the big online auctions. We offer baseball cards, football cards, basketball cards, hockey cards, NASCAR cards and more. Come join us and help build a FREE marketplace.

Moyer Stuff


Click on the Link to go to "The Baseball Card Shop Online Store" This site has a Large assortment of packs, boxes and supplies for all major sports.

The Baseball Card Store Online

Card manufacturers links below:




Here are the links to the leading price guides in the hobby. You can visit them below!

Beckett On-Line

Tuff Stuff On-Line