Dorney Park

1996-During this summer, I was a lineworker at Funnel Cakes for the remainder of the season. It was a very short season, because I was employed already halfway into the season. This was when funnel cakes actually had fryers, and would make the funnel cakes worth eating. James and Chrissy were my sup's.

1997-During this summer, I was still in lineworker at Funnel Cakes and Lemonade. I believe this is the year Todd got promoted to an asst. group lead, and then wrote me up for giving away a lemonade to my friend at games lol. This is the year I started to dread this stand because Danielle my supervisor was really getting on my nerves. She would treat me really bad.

1998-Well, I think I was at Funnel Cakes again, and now Lindsay was my supervisor. She wasn't all that great, but it was her first year supervising. I decided to move to Sweet Tooth, because my friend Dave K. worked there, and we always talked and hung out between the stands. When over at Sweet Tooth, Joe moma worked there, and he showed me how to make cotton candy. This was an awesome stand, and get really busy at night time. Evan was making the cotton candy, and Alicia and Janina were da best! Sarah S. was my supervisor, but Dave left me for Patio Pizza:(

1999-Well, this year I got promoted, and was the asst. group leader under Sarah. This is a long time ago, so these dates might not be right. There was word that Dave might come back from pizza, and he did. However, he soon left to become an area at like age 17, and then joe mama was an asst. group lead with me. I had such a good year this year. Marc V was my lineworker, and he was so funny, because he wanted to get promoted so bad. And then there was the volunteer who put 20 times more popcorn seeds and butter in the popcorn machine which almost exploded. There was also Evan making cotton candy for hours on end, and then one night..he put a whole bag out, and people in the park took it, and started running around and literally freaking out.

2000-Well, I came back once again, and Sweet Tooth was knocked down:( So, I had to find myself another stand. I really had my heart set one pizza, but Ellen the boss decided to put me in Center Stage Fries. I was the first Supervisor to open up the stand, and it was pretty hectic. Christy was the supervisor, me asst. sup, Todd was group leader, and Alicia was asst. Group. This was a really good year for me. I was on top of Todd somehow, and got promoted two positions. My dream was to become an area, but I knew I was far away from that anyhow lol. I met Nicole B. this summer, Mandy G., Evan was in his last summer at DP, and this is the summer which I fell in love with Lexi:( Dave K. was our area again that year.

2001-Well, hard work has paid off, asst. area supervisor for area 2. I haven't even worked in most of these stands! I was supposed to work with lindsay, but old Funnel Cake supervisor, but she got fired in the off-season. Dave and Christy were the area's in area 1, and then Todd was in the Garter. This year was so hard, because I was working ten hour shifts everyday, and I was only one man in my area. It was a lose-lose situation for me, and everyone saw that except the boss. Unfortunately for me, I spazzed out, and couldn't take the heat anymore. I walked out, because I was getting yelled at all of the time, and I tried so hard for that job. So, I actually had to quit, and everyone was really sad that I was leaving.

2002-Well, since I couldn't go back to my 9 dollar job, I was at college, and decided to phone Ellen. I debated about calling her from what happened last year, but I said I would give it a shot. I set up a meeting with her, and we talked about what happened last year. She said she would give me a call. She said that she would take me back, but I would have to prove myself ALL over again. So, I came back as a lineworker in Chucks lunchbox. I got treated really bad at first, and worked in all carts like cotton candy, dippin dots, etc. I was transferred about 80% of the time each day:( Josh, Erin, and Joe were my supervisors in Chucks. Well, about a month into the season, promotions were being given out. I guess the boss was short people, so she put me in Just Chicken/Taco Bell. This stand is the ONE stand, that I didn't want to go to. This year the areas were Christy, Stacie from da barn, and DAve again. The night before, I was out to Lindsay's house with Christy and Todd, and I told them I never wnated to supervise there ever lol! Well, the next day, I was working in the cotton candy wagon, and Todd came up to me and said, "Mike, Ellen wants to see you in her office now." I was like, umm, did I do anything wrong yet this year? Well, I went down there, and Stacie was to my right, and Christy was to my left sitting in Ellen's office. It was so funny, because we all knew why I was there, and Christy and I couldn't stop laughing. Well, Ellen asked me if I was interested in a supervising position in JC/TB. I was like...ugh. I thought about it, and I didn't like being a lineworker all that much, so I took the offer, and started the next day. I was so confused in that stand, but it took me about a day to figure it all out. I cleaned up the whole stand, and Ellen is very proud of me. I'm with John P, Matt M, and Matt W as supervisors~Mike:) 2003-Well, here I come back again. It's my seventh year at Dorney Park, and I find myself at Just Chicken and Taco Bell for the second season in a row. I'd rather not be an area, because I'd rather spend more time training for track and having a good time during the summer. I am the supervisor of the stand, and some of my assistants are Matt H, Andy, and Rich Doner. They are pretty cool guys. ////////Now, almost ending my 7th year in Dorney Park. This year has been pretty fun. The park was dead for most of the beginning of the summer, but it got busier near the end. I have two days left, and I've done carts for a bit. Carts, Jarrett, Henry came back, and McCormick was sup, but got demoted to Village lol. Mike S. became an asst. group leader, Matt became group, Doner quit because of baseball, Emilia from Poland was promoted, Amber the 1st year worker got promoted, and Kody too! The internationals were good this year, Tomas, Toni, Tommy, Miro, Michaela, Petra, Kat 1, Kat 2, Andrea, Laura, Anna Carolina, Zuzana, Dagmara, and I think that's it. Petra was the hottie in carts this year lol. John, Stacie, and Christy were the area's, and Dave went to the garter to be a server. I missed him a lot this year having worked like 4 years together. Those days were fun!

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