Mikes Home Page

Heres a pic of me jumping at Penn Relays as a freshmen for East Stroudsburg U.

Hi, my name is Mike. A little insight on me...I'm a senior at East Stroudsburg University here in PA! I'm going into my eighth with a 3.4 GPA baby! I work up at school being a Resident Advisor in Lenape. The sports that I participate in are Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field for ESU. During my freshmen year, I broke the freshmen high jump record indoors with 6'9.25. I also won the PSAC high jump conference at 6'10 as a frosh for ESU. During my sophomore year, I broke the ESU Indoor School record with a 6'10.50 jump, and Brad Fees tied it during the Indoor season of 2003. I also placed sixth the last two years in the NCAA D2 Indoor nationals in the High Jump. My characteristics are that I'm 6'0ft, 160, hazel eyes, short brown hair.

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