The Regulars


  Double A's Double Cents
(Oct 13)   Called Out Not Equal To Being Out

It is not whether or not the ball hit the dirt but the fact that Eddings called Pierzynski called out and then changed his call after Pierzynski decided to run to first.  For Eddings to call that that is his strike mechanic then 2 things.  A) having the same call for strike three – out and strike one is poor and confusing and B) during the game Eddings used the same call to call Pierzynski out in the 9th that he did with calling other batters out for a swinging third strike for the last out of the innings…..hmm – interesting.  And the other issue, Eddings never made a “no catch” call so how does a catcher who believes he caught the ball for a third strike swinging out know that its “NO CATCH” without the standard “no catch” call as always done by umpires.  The argument isn’t over whether the ball hit the dirt or not as the umpiring crew tried to say in the post game, but the fact that Eddings made a call that was interpreted by White Sox players (minus Pierzynski) and Angel players and a clean catch by Paul of a swinging strike three for the third out of the inning.  Eddings’ own words show him guilty of a complete reversal of a strike three call without true merit.  After the game Eddings commented that he wanted to watch Paul to see what he was going to do after the catch because he wasn’t sure; he was basing his call on Paul’s reaction.  So when Paul rolls the ball back to the mound, at the moment does Eddings pump the fist with conviction for the third strike – you’re out call.  This isn’t done before the ball is rolled back but just as soon as the ball is rolled back, implying the inning is over.  And I repeat, there was no verbal indication that ball was a “no catch” (which Eddings admit to).  So in conclusion Joe Crede got the winning hit after the 9th inning officially ended of a 3rd strike swinging by AJ Pierzynski…….hmm…very interesting.  Simply, Eddings calls him out using the mechanics he used to earlier in the night to call others out on the third swinging strike.  Blame Paul for not tagging Pierzynski if you want, but I want to know is how can a catcher know to tag him if there was no call by the official?  Maybe he should have tagged him still since it was near the dirt.  And maybe the Angels should haven’t been in such a close situation by putting more runs on the board.  But the fact was that Eddings officially called him out via his emphatic signal but then reversed it for some aloof reason – a call which overshadowed a 1-1 ball game.  This isn’t little league; this is the ALCS.  Call the game as if you are a professional.  Waiting for this official crew to grow up and admit their mistakes – no conferencing (like the AROD situation last yr), uncertainty of what they saw, and oh yeah calling the third out emphatically with no verbal indication of it not being caught, but then changing it because Pierzynski ran to first.  Tell these umpires that it's the players we pay to see so let the players play the game but let the rules still be upheld.
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