Physical Education
Grading Policy

Participation - 65 %

                           1. Student actively taking part in each day's activities - effort
                           2. Student dressing appropriately for class activities and arriving on time

                                   A. Red bottoms (short or sweat pants)
                                   B. Plain White Tee shirt (Red or White Sweat shirt maybe be worn on cold days)
                                   C. Athletic Shoes ( no sandals or boots)
                           3. Student properly participating in daily running activities (walking not acceptable)

Skill - 10 %

                           1. Demonstration of level of competence in the activities being taught
                           2. Evaluation is done subjectively and through the use of skill testing

Knowledge - 15 %

                           1. Demonstration of knowledge (game history, game strategy, and game rules)
                           2. Evaluation is done by written exam and/or written assignments
                                    A. Written assignments must be typed and turned in on time to receive credit.
                                    B. Typing must be 12 point font - double spaced.

Fitness - 10 %

                           1. Demonstration of level of competence in cardiovascular fitness
                           2. Evaluation is done by timed mile runs
Minimum Requirement - student must run at least one timed mile per week
                                (under 13 minutes) in order to receive a passing grade.  Excuses are only
                               accepted  through medical note from a licensed physician.

   Participation 65% 
   Knowledge 15%     
Skill  10% 
   Fitness  10% 

A- 90-100%
B- 80-89%
C- 70-79%
D- 60-69%

Ways to Lower Grade

     1. Non-suit (4 point deduction)   
               Unexcused non suits can not be made up
               Students who do not dress properly and bring a note will receive an unexcused non suit.
     2. Non-Participation Daily Activity - (1 ½ point deduction)
            Non Participation may be made up during make up periods.
            Medical Non Participation may be made up (
1 ½ point deduction)
              A. Medical excused non participation requires a note on the day of the non-participation.
              B. Students who are ill (even) with a note) will be required to dress but not required to participate.
                    Students not dressing out will receive an Unexcused non suit.
              C. Forgotten notes will be accepted no later than one class meeting after the non participation.
     3. Non-Participation Running or Exercise Activity  ( 1 point deduction)
               These may be made up during make up periods
               Walking or shuffling is not considered running
     4. Tardy  (2 point deduction)
               Tardiness may not be made up
     5. Unexcused Absences/Cuts  ( 8 point deduction)
     6. Removal from Class Disruptive Behavior  (4 point deduction)
     7. Wearing of P. E. clothing over school clothes  (8 point deduction)
     8. Inappropriate Wearing of Gym Clothes (sagging)  (1 point deduction)
     9. Maximum Days of Excused Absences
               Physical Education is a participation class excessive absence could result in non course credit.
               15 days is the maximum number of classes that can be missed and still receive course credit.

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