"OlmsteadGrabinski Interactive" Presents:
Welcome to the official JJLC Homepage!!

There are now images in the Biography section!! Now you can see images of Flash, The Fan and Venom!!

Welcome to the first and onlyexclusive online wrestling federation!! This is the only place you can see all the bone-crunching action....in Real Video!!
Soon you can see the biographies, the back stories, the pictures and everything related to the federation. Bookmark this page.....it's gonna be huge!! You can't miss this!!

Real Video Matches
Wrestler Biographies
Wrestler Images
History of the Federation

For questions regarding the federation e-mail thehead of the corporationatsteelefan1@aol.com.
For tech support or troubleshooting e-mail thewebmasterat bendix@phxlink.net.
Created by "OlmsteadGrabinski Interactive" 1999

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