The Life of Jasper (v. 3.0)...
Check out my Newly Updated Weblog (12/28/05)!
This is the third incarnation of my website. I'm back after a long hiatus.
(all links are underlined)
(Eating some steak at The Mohegan Sun.)
About This Site:
I started this website when I was in high school, though I don't remember why. It might have been for a class, or maybe I was bored. Or maybe I learned how to make websites for a class, and because I was bored I made a website, in either case, here it is. After ignoring my website for a number of years, I've decided to put it back into use. I am basically making this site for family and friends to checkout, and keep up-to-date on what I am up to.
There will be: a weblog, a photo gallery, and a bio page.
I plan on keeping a blog that I will probably update every few days on this site. There is a link to my Xanga page , where I will continue to keep a more frequently updated blog.
In addition I will have a small photo gallery that I will update from time to time.
And of course there is my bio page, which is pretty self explanatory.
Site navigation is easy, on every page at the bottom will be links to the rest of the site, you can always click on the "Main Page" link to get back to this page.
Below are links to previous versions of my website, from high school and college.
(They have not been updated in sometime, so portions of the sites may or may not work properly.)
Access to the 1st version of my site (circa 1999).
Access to the 2nd version of my site (circa 2003).
Bio Page | Weblog | My Xanga Page | My Photo Gallery | Contact Info | Recommended Links
Please forgive any errors, I'm still in the process of updating.
Visits Since 12/26/05
Last Updated 12/28/05