Welcome to my Page of 'Groups in Management'
- " Since fear of solitude in all men ...... because no one in solitude is strong enough to protect himself and procure the necessities of life .... it follows that men by nature tend towards social organisation." (Spinoza)
- " What is a committee? ..... A group of the unfit appointed by the unwilling to do the unnecessary, a group which as individuals can do nothing which collectively meets to decide nothing can be done." (Unknown)
- " Nothing tests my love to my fellow man more severely than the third day of a three day conference." (Gardner)
- " Perhaps the best way of looking at the committee is to conceive of it an orchestra that comes together periodically to give certain performances for the public. When one thinks of it in this way, the amount of preparation that is required becomes more clear." (Tropman)
- " When considering a committee, one must focus on the need to make good decisions, not just decisions. Is it a good decision? Is it a poor decision? Are we possibly worse off after we made the decision than we were before the decision was made?" (Tropman)
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Darwish Almoharby
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