2001 Season! 
The SF MABL has merged with the
Bay Area Men's Senior Baseball League (BAMSBL)

Please redirect your browser to:
http://www bamsbl.com

This Website will not continue to be supported as of the 2001 Season


The Official MSBL/MABL Website
  This website is for people who love the game of baseball; the players of the San Francisco Bay Area Men's Adult Baseball League - (MABL). The SF MABL is part of a larger national organization based in New York which organizes adult baseball leagues all over the United States.
 W e are not professionals, we just love the game. Although we all have regular jobs, we still enjoy the thrill of the grass, executing the hit-and-run and turning two up the middle. Some of us played college ball, some of us played in the minor leagues and some of us never really played organized baseball until now. But, the one thing that remains constant throughout our lives is the love of baseball.

P ete Rose once said: "I'd walk through Hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball." We all agree. 

P lease enjoy our site by selecting a link above and remember the only church that serves the soul day in and day out, is the church of baseball. 

Email the Webmaster: Brian Murphy