Welcome to the Totosoft '98 Guestbook!

Madman the cornholio 2 - 06/15/99 17:59:02
My Email:f.oorschot@hccnet.nl
Mention: don't know
Tips: no tips for useless pages

SUKKEL SUKKEL wat een *ut pagina wat

Johnny Terror - 04/17/99 18:48:31
Mention: Fucking Shit
Tips: Get Lost

I'm a psychopate!!! and that's why I hate this page.

number 11 - 03/26/99 21:33:50

Great Picture!!!!!!! Only one problem.... He stops with loading by my face! Grrrr...

Martijn "The Kleus" - 03/24/99 20:06:13
My Email:u know!
Mention: uhmmm
Tips: nope

Hi, Good page but a little bit "amateuristisch". and I want to be player of the week!

SystemBug - 03/23/99 20:11:41
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/SystemBug/
My Email:systembug@xoommail.com

I like your page. It's...eh...well...it's special.

Totus Omnius Deus - 03/23/99 19:16:58
My URL:/Colosseum/Mound/2281
My Email:totusod@freemail.nl
Mention: Great
Tips: Not Usable

This is a test by the generator of this page!!!! Test completed

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