Shito-Ryu Itosu-Kai Karate was introduced to Canada in 1969 .
The Chief Instructor and founder of Shito
Ryu Itosu-Kai Karate in Canada is Tsumura Kei Shihan, 8th Dan .After
attaining the rank of 5th Dan at the Itosu-Kai Hombu in Japan Tsumura
Shihan introduced Shito-Ryu Itosu-Kai to Canada in the Japanese Canadian
Cultural Centre in Don Mills (Toronto) in 1969. Tsumura Sensei also studied
Kobudo in Japan under the tutelage of Shinken Taira Sensei (1898-1970), who
was foremost in the propagation of Ryukyu Kobudo (Okinawan weaponry) in
mainland Japan. Tsumura Shihan received the last 5th Dan Master's
Certificate (Shihan Menkyo) signed by Shinken Taira..
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Last Updated January 12 2004 by Fj robinson