Unfortunately, Rolling Rock did not feel that lacrosse was a growing sport and did not choose to sponsor us again. Why? We have no idea. We are now the Fairfax Lacrosse Club and are supported by Kilroy's Sports Bar, DTI Associates, and MadLax. Here is our new home page:
Fairfax LC

Rolling Rock Lacrosse Club is a brand new member of the Central Atlantic Lacrosse League, (C.A.L.L.). We participated in the 1998 Spring Season with no restrictions on our league membership. As with any new program we ran into a few bumps but we feel that it will be smooth riding from here on out. We also plan on having a Summer League team in the Fairfax Men's Adult Summer League. Our Coach is Victor Chen, who is also the head coach at Hayfield High School. Pictures from our summer league games will be added soon. A player/contact list and game schedules will also be posted as soon as an updated list is available.
Summer League Schedule

******I made this web page when i was playing for the team but now Bob Greene has screwed everything up and hasn't kept in touch with the sponser. It would be a lot better if he just gave all the information to our Coach, Victor Chin.******


The Latrobe Brewing Company was established in Latrobe, Pennsylvania in 1893. Latrobe's access to the railroad and the abundant mountain spring water made the town an ideal home for a brewery
When prohibition hit in 1920, the brewery was forced to close, leaving the glass lined tanks of Old Latrobe drained and dormant.
In 1932, the Tito brothers purchased the Latrobe Brewing Company anticipating the end of prohibition. When prohibition was repealed in 1933, the Tito brothers produced their first brews, Latrobe Pilsner and Latrobe Old German, while searching for a signature brand to represent the town.
The area surrounding the brewery and the town consists of small valleys, where fresh spring water tumbles over rocks into crystal clear pools. In 1939, the name "Rolling Rock" was chosen to reflect this image. A legend began.
In keeping with the Rolling Rock Pledge, the painted green bottles of Rolling Rock haven't changed in over half a century. The Rolling Rock steeplechase logo is printed on the front, while the pledge appears on the back. Since federal regulation now requires warnings on all alcohol containers, Rolling Rock no longer produces the painted label. Rather than change the original, Latrobe Brewing Company decided to make ticket labels complying with the law. Folksin Latrobe, however, still enjoy the original.


The "33" appears on the back of the Rolling Rock bottle the same as it did in 1939. For over 50 years Rolling Rock drinkers have speculated as to its true meaning. Some of the more popular theories include:
"33" - Prohibition was repealed in 1933.
"33" - There are 33 words in the Rolling Rock Pledge (including rolling rock).
"33" - 33 letters compose the ingredients: water, malt, rice, hops, corn, brewers' yeast.
"33" - The "33" was used in typesetting to signify the end of a document. It was an accident that it appeared on the first batch of bottles. Apparently it was too expensive to have them removed, so the "33" stuck.
"33" - 33 was the union's local number for workers at the brewery


One of the main ingredients in Rolling Rock Beer is pure mountain spring water from the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania, an attribute no other beer in the world can claim.
The brewmasters use only the finest ingredients in every bottle of Rolling Rock, a special recipe that has stood the test of time (same as it ever was). Only the best hops, malt, rice, corn, and brewers yeast are blended to create the quality beers carrying the Rolling Rock label.
A higher malt content than most American beers gives Rock a full taste and creamier head (good with salt). But the key ingredient that gives its great taste is right at the source. Which is why every bottle carries the message "It comes from the mountain springs to you."

Lacrosse and Rolling Rock Fans have been here since May 27, 1998!

Rolling Rock is a registered trademark of somebody and the opinions on this page are not necessary the opinion of anybody but the webmaster

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