My Ultimate Movie Page!
From passion to hatred, love to anger and power to greed, movies have the innate ability to move us spiritually, emotionally and even physically. It is no wonder that we call them "move"ies! The popularity of film began in the 20's and 30's with the likes of such stars as Charlie Chaplin, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and W.C. Fields. In an era where plot and character development where the focal point, some of the greatest films of all time originated.
Movies such as Singin' in the Rain, Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz. As the 40's came to pass, we left the era of the musicals, fantasies, John Wayne westerns and comedies and entered the era of the classic drama. If the 40's could have been defined by the grit of John Wayne, the 50's should be defined by the elegant smoothness of Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly and Montgomery Clift or maybe the sophistication of Yul Brynner or possibly the satirical toughness of Jimmy Stewart or even how about, the "Classic" Cool of James Dean.
The 50's dramas and romances were defined by the strong sexual tension that went unacted upon. Brynner and Kerr. Clift and Taylor. Dean and Wood. As the 60's and 70's came and passed, movies began to change.
Who will ever forget Marlon Brando's 1972 version of Don Corleone in The Godfather. Films began to increase in range from dramas to comedies to animations to mysteries and then into the realm of the Sci-Fi thriller. George Lucas' Star Wars Trilogy, Christopher Reeve's portrayal of the Son of Krypton in Superman and the Aliens Trilogy redifined the Science-Fiction film leading into the 80's.
With the 80's, movie magic took a turn for the mainstream.
Batman, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Back to the Future were just a few of the Blockbuster films which raked in money at the box offices for motion picture studios. The 90's has been pretty consistent with the 80's. James Cameron's Titanic film broke all box office records based on gross ticket prices. Spielberg thrilled us all with Jurassic Park. On a whole though, I feel stronger about movies from the early days because of their commitment to character development. Films are starting to move away from the strong acting commitment to relying strictly upon high budget special effects. Please enjoy below where myself, my brother-in-law and one of my best friends honor you by presenting our favorite 100 films each of all-time.

All-Time Movie Lists

Deb's Favorite 100 Eric's Favorite 100 Sai's Favorite 100
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