Welcome to my webpage- a collection of imagery, thoughts and people. My hobbies include weight-lifting, college sports, collecting comic books, drawing, watching classic movies and spending countless mind-numbing hours with my baby son, Dominik. This web page is dedicated to my heroes and my friends.

Alt text 1996 Western Fashion Show 1997 Western Fashion Show
Alt text My ArtworkAlt text Decade of Dominance
Alt text My Ultimate Movie Page Alt text My Favorite Songs
Hog Wild! Alt textOfficial Todd Day Page
Moments of My Lifetime
10. Acceptance to Michigan BBA Program- 2/96
9. Choreographing IASA Western Fashion Show, 11/96 & 11/97
8. Job offer from Starcom Media Worldwide- 3/98
7. My first Miami Hurricanes' football game vs. Ohio State- 8/98
6. First time holding my niece, Sophie- 8/98
5. Anne, my sister's, wedding- 9/95
4. The birth of my son, Dominik Debal Bagchi- 2/24/05
3. The day I met Renny Mary Koshy- January 23, 2000
2. Every moment with my mother, Swapna Bagchi, and her heart of gold- FOREVER
1. Debal Kumar Bagchi, my father's, funeral- 12/99

Feel free to e-mail me at dcbagchi@hotmail.com

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