Jenn Shropshire - 12/21/00 22:33:21 My What's your favorite post game meal?: uh.. i dunno | Comments: Hey im just looking around because im very interseted in playing for this team next year. I'm a keeper, so maybe I'll see you at tryouts..oh wait, I'll see you the 21st! |
- 11/14/00 05:34:50 My What's your favorite post game meal?: Shaggy | Comments: U guys put up a great fight in every game! Hope all your players get well soon. Cya in upcoming games for the future! |
Hillary Heath - 11/01/00 01:40:55 My What's your favorite post game meal?: gloria gaynor :) | Comments: great website guys. (this is Hillary from the parrots) good job in the last game. it was really close! i hope all your players get well before we play you again! |
katelyn - 11/01/00 01:35:43 What's your favorite post game meal?: DMX | Comments: We play you next weekend. Be ready |
- 09/25/00 15:15:19 | Comments: |
The Pugmire's - 09/10/00 00:34:16 My | Comments: Good luck this season. It is nice to see how you are doing. We miss everyone and wish we could be there to cheer everyone on! If you come to AZ look us up. |
John Melcher - 09/09/00 04:14:11 My URL: My What's your favorite post game meal?: Santana | Comments: Nice informative site. I am the asst. webmaster for the Islanders WIFC. I have linked my GU15 site to you. Please visit our site at and you can visit any WIFC team site with the exception of rosters. Click on teams, left menu ba and select any age group and there you go. Good luck against our Islanders on Saturday Sept. 9. John |
- 08/12/00 13:17:51 | Comments: |
- 08/04/00 04:16:05 | Comments: |
Akosua Fordjour - 07/21/00 05:41:57 My What's your favorite post game meal?: i don't know | Comments: ummm HI Joan and Elein (i don't know how to spell your name) but hope your having fun your Crossfire! |
Fordjour - 07/21/00 05:21:24 My What's your favorite post game meal?: Sammie | Comments: |
- 07/12/00 19:33:32 | Comments: |
Lisa Overbo - 07/08/00 04:09:35 My What's your favorite post game meal?: i dunno!?!?? | Comments: Hi! I'm from the Parrots and you guys are GREAT! Good Luck on your umpcomming games!!! See ya in season!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
soccerbabe - 06/17/00 03:47:02 What's your favorite post game meal?: blink182 | Comments: your team is awsome and the BEST!!!!!!! |
- 06/12/00 18:00:35 | Comments: |
- 05/25/00 19:44:35 | Comments: |
- 03/20/00 18:13:44 | Comments: |
Marissa - 02/21/00 01:24:08 My What's your favorite post game meal?: *N SYNC | Comments: Hey everyone! Congratulations on getting to the finals again. Good luck, hopefully you guys will win this time. : ] |
- 02/07/00 04:14:52 | Comments: |
Eileen Cahill - 02/06/00 02:17:50 My What's your favorite post game meal?: BACKSTREET BOYS!!!! | Comments: Hey, i play for relentless and i just want to say that you guys are really good!! keep up the hard work. that would be so cool if you guys got in the state finals caz you guys really deserve it! |
- 12/28/99 19:33:36 | Comments: |
- 11/17/99 18:50:51 | Comments: |
- 11/17/99 18:36:20 | Comments: |
- 11/17/99 03:09:57 | Comments: |
- 11/15/99 22:03:58 | Comments: |
ananomus - 11/15/99 21:42:57 | Comments: Hi We Beat You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha! |
- 11/15/99 02:26:50 What's your favorite post game meal?: BLINK 182 | Comments: COOL WEBPAGE |
- 11/15/99 02:26:43 What's your favorite post game meal?: BLINK 182 | Comments: COOL WEBPAGE |
Katie Coulombe - 11/13/99 05:41:11 My Email:dpnbc@gow What's your favorite post game meal?: N'sync | Comments: Your defense is really tough, especially Shelby. You guys still have a great website. Good luck on your upcoming games. Bye |
Hillary Heath - 11/11/99 02:11:22 What's your favorite post game meal?: don't have one | Comments: Great webpage. :) |
- 09/06/99 20:56:38 | Comments: |
Jerry Lundry - 06/01/99 02:55:13 My What's your favorite post game meal?: Seattle Symphony | Comments: Go, Crossfire! |
Timothy Self - 05/14/99 19:41:18 My | Comments: Tell Preston I would like a friendly. I have an Eastside team gu14. |
- 02/16/99 23:48:05 | Comments: |
Marissa Pugmire - 02/06/99 23:44:08 My What's your favorite post game meal?: 'N SYNC | Comments: Hey What's up? Good Luck on beating Blaze next week. Hopefully you can be state camps. I wish I could still be there playing with you. I know you're good enough to be #1. Hopefuly you can prove it to everyone ese. |
- 11/03/98 02:45:39 | Comments: |
Ashley McDougall - 10/12/98 03:32:23 My | Comments: Crossfire Sounders are awesome!! |
bob wexler - 08/26/98 22:10:09 My | Comments: |
bob wexler - 08/26/98 22:08:20 My What's your favorite post game meal?: | Comments: |
Lesa "J.J." Medley - 07/25/98 16:50:04 My URL: My What's your favorite post game meal?: Banana/Snickers | Comments: I play for the M.V. Marauders. I'm #6. I look forward to playing you in the Rimland tournament. SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Tracey Miller - 06/21/98 04:22:35 My What's your favorite post game meal?: Anything easy to fix! | Comments: Good Luck to the LWYSA Crossfire Sounders! They are off to a great start-should be a fun year to watch. |
Tracey Miller - 06/21/98 04:21:48 My What's your favorite post game meal?: Anything easy to fix! | Comments: Good Luck to the LWYSA Crossfire Sounders! They are off to a great start-should be a fun year to watch. |
Megan Miller - 06/21/98 02:46:21 My Email:Skigrl1234 | Comments: Like the page. Crossfire Sounders rock!! |
- 06/21/98 01:10:29 | Comments: I like your web page! |
- 06/21/98 00:22:43 | Comments: |
- 06/20/98 18:02:42 | Comments: This is a test! |
- 06/20/98 18:01:40 | Comments: This is a test! |