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The Crossfire Sounders '85 is a P-1, GU-15 soccer team playing in the Lake Washington Youth Soccer Association. They are coached by Bernie James, player/coach of the Seattle Sounders and former USA Olympic and National team member. Stop by our
Away | Sept. 10 | Whidbey Islanders | 1:00 | Oak Harbor | W 6-0 |
Away | Sept. 17 | MV Marauders Blue | 12:30 | Glacier Park, Maple Valley | W 2-1 |
Home | Sept. 24 | Dosveedanya | 10:00 #20 | 60 Acres | W 6-1 |
Home | Oct. 1 | FCA Extreme | 12:15 #20 | 60 Acres | W 4-1 |
Away | Oct. 8 | Parrots | 11:00 | Queen Anne Bowl | L 1-0 |
Home | Oct. 15 | Sparta Blaze | 12:15 #20 | 60 Acres | T 1-1 |
Home | Oct. 22 | Three Rivers Rapids | 12:15 #10 | 60 Acres | W 3-0 |
Away | Oct. 29 | Doseveedanya | 11:00 | Kent Pea Patch | L 6-2 |
Away | Nov. 5 | FCA Extreme | 12:15 | Woodinville H.S. | W 1-0 |
Home | Nov. 12 | Parrots | 10:00 | Redmond H.S. | L 1-0 |
Away | Nov. 19 | Sparta Blaze | 2:45 | New Truman Field Tacoma | W 2-0 |
Away | Dec. 3 | Three Rivers | 11:00 | E Rivers Soccer Complex Richland | T 2-2 |
Home | Dec. 10 | Whidbey Islanders | 2:30 | Eastlake HS | W 5-1 |
Home | Dec. 17 | Marauders Blue | 12:15 | Redmond H.S. | T 0-0 |
Eileen Cahill | 8 | Defense | Kevin/Nancy |
Kolina Beck | 2 | Defense | Gary/Robin |
Amy James | 7 | Midfield | Bernie/Lisa |
Carolyn Kitchin | 12 | Forward | Bill/Cheryl |
Monique Lee | 22 | Defense | Mark/Lorrie |
Shelby Marcell | 24 | Defense | John/Donna |
Jessica Martinez | 13 | Defense | Rick/Margaret |
Sarah Martinez | 6 | Forward | Byron/Joanne |
Ashley McDougall | 44 | Forward | Mark/Marilyn |
Megan Miller | 1 | Midfield | Steve/Tracey |
Lauren Miori | 4 | Forward | George/Cindy |
Joan Quint | 20 | Defense | Robert/Moira |
Lindsay Oliver | 16 | Forward | Bill/Laura |
Lizzy Showman | G | Goalie | Terry/Sue |
Meredith Rockwell | 17 | Midfield | Jim/Jan |
Vanessa Young | 2 | Midfield | Shelly/Tony |
Becca Bowns | 26 | Forward | Nick/Maureen |
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