The Real Raven

Name: Scott Levy

Former Names:
          PNW: Scotty the Body
          ECW: Raven
          WCW: Scotty Flamingo
          GWF: Scott Anthony
          WWF: Johnny Polo

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 237 lbs.

Birth Date: September 8, 1962

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Hometown: Short Hills, New Jersey

Wrestling School Attended: Monster Factory

Finisher: Evenflow DDT

Interesting fact: One of Raven's legs is longer than the other. He wears a special boot to correct it.

The Titles Scott Levy Has Held:
          WCW Lt. Heavyweight (Scotty Flamingo) 6/20/92-7/5/92
          USWA Tag(Scotty Flamingo w/Brian Christopher)3/22/93-3/29/93    
          ECW Tag w/Stevie Richards 6/20/95-9/16/95
          ECW Tag w/Stevie Richards 10/7/95-10/7/95
          ECW Heavyweight 1/27/96-10/5/96
          ECW Heavyweight 12/7/96-4/13/97
          WCW US 4/19/98-4/20/98

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