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Quote the Raven
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"The entire purpose of human existence, is to kindle a light in the darkness of being. We are a nation of hollow stuffed people; bleeding together; heads stuffed with straw. Like wind in an empty street, or rats feet over broken glass in a dark and forgotten cellar. So it is written. So it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"Trust and hate, and love and fate, and I don't understand. Social grace, the human race, confuse me. These words I speak, bring forth a world of emotions. Emotions of dreams lost, dreams found, and dreams I'll never see. So it is written. So it shall come to pass. But the questions is, will I, or will I not be Diamond Dallas Page's partner? But Isn't that the same question, that I've been asked time and time again, since my childhood? Isn't the question really, is there any dreams, I'd like to sell? Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"I can't remember a time when I wasn't alone, even when my parent were around. The sound of their fury was harsh, but the sound of their silence was deafining. It's devastation that left me buried beneath a mountain of solitude. My lonliness and despair traped me in a storm of unimaginable emptiness. What about me? What about Raven? The other kids playing ball outside, and me with them was am illusion I'd allow myself, but the stark reality was even if my parents would of allowed me to leave my bedroom dwell, the other kids wouldn't of allowed me to join in anyway. They said I didn't follow thier rules. Their stupid rules... Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"We all need... a haven. A sanctuary. A place to hide. A place to escape. A place to dream and hope. A place... where the darkness won't be so frightening. So it is written. So it shall come to pass. But for some, the darkness is a relentless enemy. It cannot be eluded. And once the darkness senses your fear; once it senses your pain, it is never far behind. I can empathize with these people. I can understand their futility. I can forgive their hopelessness. I feel their pain. Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"[The Flock is holding Brad Armstrong for Raven] Brad Armstrong, last week I gave you an opportunity for salvation and an opportunity for redemption but you did not take me up on that offer. Diamond Dallas Page, I made you no such offer because someone as evil and as heinous as you does not deserve a second chance. You deserted me, Page, and I can never forgive you for that. Last night was to be your moment of shining glory. MTV Live. Movie superstar, Matthew McConaghey weas there. Rock superstars, the Foo Fighters, and yes, US champion Diamond Dallas Page. But I took all that away from you, Page. You thought you were going to be a big star, but I took it away. But I should've had to, Page. That should've been me. That should've been me, Page. What about me? What about Raven? What about me? That should've been me on that show. I should've been the star. I should've been out there with the US title. So instead, I took a stop sign, and I beat you unmercifully about the head with it. Page, you were just about to begin to feel the suffering. that is our destiny. And as I grow more powerful, you will grow weaker. So it is written and so it shall come to pass. [to The Flock] Gimme Armstrong. [The Flock brings Brad Armstrong near Raven. Raven kicks him in the mid-section and gives him an Evenflow] Quote the Raven... Page is nevermore!"

"[to Riggs] Riggs, go get me Hammer. [Riggs exits. Enter Mortis. He says "Raven, I want in."] You want in? You want to join the flock? You want to follow me? Look what you follow now. James Vandenberg: a human oddity. Does he make you dress in this clown costume? Is that a mask of hate or a mask of shape? Is their any reason why I would want you? Is there something about you that you aren't showing? If you want to join the flock, you have to be yourself. You have to be true to who you are. You have to be unafraid to be different, to be laughed at, to be scorned. That's all it takes to follow me. [Mortis nods his head and begins to leave] Oh by the way, and you've got to beat Diamond Dallas Page as well. Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"Hey, Page, what about me? Hey, Page, what about me?! What about Raven, Page?! What about me?! Over here, you idiot! I spent three years in a carnival freak show because of you. I had to wrestle in barbed wire, putting people through tables because of you, Page. What about me?! What about me?! You want my U.S. belt? Come and take it, Page. Come and take it. You want this, Page? Come and get it, Page. Come and get it. Come on, Page, come on....[A fan attacks Raven]"

"Last night, Saturn defeated Chris Benoit. In the preceding weeks, we've beaten on him, we've stretched him, and we've humiliated him. Any normal person would've known when enough's enough. But Chris Benoit is a masacist. He has serious physchological damage. And if he insists on recieving punishment every week, then I inisist that we inflict it. Quote the Raven... nevermore."

"Apparently there's been some complaints over the past 8 months, that what I've been saying has not been easy to understand because of my excessively large vocabulary and my high level of diction. Well, tonight I will put what I have to say in terms so clear that everyone, even those of limited intelligence will know exactly what I mean. Page. I want you to listen especially close Page. Because Page you should understand my problems, because you know about ‘em better than anyone. How I was voted most unpopular in high school. How my father never spent time with me. Page you were the one that picked me up at the hospital the first time I got out of rehab. You should understand my pain, but you don't. Four years ago when WCW let you go. They said you would never be anybody. You'd never be... a superstar. Who lent you a shoulder to cry on? I did, Raven did. When ever you had problems of any nature, who listened to you on the telephone nightly? I did, Raven did. But what about me Page. What about Raven. What about me! I spent three long years in barbed wire city, getting torn to shreds, going through tables and being hit with frying pans and chairs. But you could have prevented it. You could of stopped it. You could of made one phone call and called in a favor, made a deal and got Raven into WCW, but you didn't. Because you were jealous. You were jealous and you were scared that I would become a bigger star than you. You know I should have listened to the Snake. He said you weren't a true friend. He said you'd turn your back on me when you became a star. He was right, I should have listened. But times are different now and where once I felt your pain you'll feel mine. Quote the Raven United States Champion Forevermore!"

"Coming up after Thunder on the corporate Superstaion, Its movies for guys who like movies. Starring Dan Akroyd, a washed up, hack comedian, and one of my fallen idols, John Belushi. The Blues Brothers. The talk of salvation. The tale of redemption. Oh and Chris Benoit beware of the DDT. Watch the end of Thunder and then watch this movie. And Chris Benoit beware. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

"From what I understand Chris Benoit is not here tonight. You saw the footage of me DDTing him Thursday. And after the abuse that I inflicted upon him on Saturdays show he's probably at home in Calgary nursing his wounds. As far as you Booker T. You have something that belongs to the Flock. More specifically, property that belongs to Saturn. The World Television Title. Now if you were smart you would take your T.V. Title, walk to the back and hand it over to Saturn. But I don't think you're that smart. So we're going to have to teach you a lesson and set an example. Fellas. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

"Fate is a strange mistress and for some reason she has decreed that you, Chris Benoit, must suffer before me. In the past you felt the strength of my Flock, but at Souled Out I felt the Crippler Cross-Face. But I did not submit. I did not tap out. In fact some would say that I even enjoyed it. Thursday night I decided that you personally would feel the DDT. And if you have the heart and the desire that my former friend Diamond Dallas Page says you do then you'll come out and feel the DDT once more. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

"Throughout the trials and tribulations and the heartbreak and the misery that is my life, there is only one man who's advice I've ever headed. And he told me there are two rules. One there are no rules and two is someone must feel the DDT. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

"Different people need different things. Some people need a family. Some people need titles. Some people claim to need neither. Diamond Dallas Page is a prime example. But I would have to beg to differ with Page. See I've known him for a very long time. We've been friends, we've been enemies, we've been friends, we've been enemies again. Diamond Dallas Page swears that he need nothing. Nothing whatsoever. Doesn't need his U.S. Title. I don't need this belt to show everyone how great I am. Yet he constantly brings it out with him. He says I don't need anyone. I don't need any people. I don't need the support. I'm glad for it, but I don't need them. Yet he brings his trashy Nitro wife out with im each and every single week. You know it's a little odd to me. You know maybe Page isn't giving the whole story. You see Page and I go back a long way. We both had the same mentor. And as our mentor told us there can only be one. There can only be one who is the best. And Page may have come up with the Diamond Cutter, but the Snake. He gave me the DDT. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

"Obviously Kevin Nash is not very popular with the suits at the corporate superstation and it's no secret that Raven is considered a misfit and a freak. So I guess the powers that be decided, lets have Kevin Nash wrestle Raven tonight. I guess they figure someone's bound to get hurt. Someone's bound to be put out of the sport. Well I'll wrestle Kevin Nash tonight, but as everyone knows it's under Raven's rules and tonight it will be Battle Royal style. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

Tennay: "Well, Raven you certainly have a long term history with one Diamond Dallas Page. When you both broke into professional wrestling you shared the same mentor. Can you shed a little light on both of your backgrounds?" Raven: "I have yearned for the release from the labyrinth of my past. The walls are bitter memories and the corridors are hate. Yes I can shed some light on the past. Diamond Dallas Page and I had a very volatile past. I helped him when no one else would, when all despised him because of his arrogance, but did he remember me? No. He went onto fame and glory. But what about me? What about Raven! What about me? I spent three long years in barbed-wire city building a name for myself. And I learned one thing.... I learned one thing, that if one is scarred bad enough one no longer feels the pain." (a slight smile) Tennay: "Your constant interference finally pays off this evening when you gain a shot at Diamond Dallas Page and the United States Heavyweight Title." Raven: "Tonight will be my vindication and it will be Page's waterloo. I showed the world that I could destroy the indestructible Chris Benoit. Tonight I will take the U.S. Title." Tennay: "Well, you're so confident about a U.S. Title victory. Upcoming at Uncensored the Triple Jeopardy Match with Page and Benoit, if you're victorious tonight will you put the U.S. Title at stake at Uncensored?" Raven: "Absolutely not. They will wait. They will suffer as I did, in silence and in agony and they will learn that they cannot escape their fate and that is that. Someone must pay for the pain in my past. Quote the Raven Nevermore." Same night before match. Raven: "Page I'm gonna give you one last chance to beg me for forgiveness. Remember these are Raven's rules, which mean there are no rules. Quote the Raven Nevermore." Page: "Yo Raven, I got your forgiveness right here, Raven's rules, no DQ. DDP rules no referee. Patrick hit the road."

"Chris Benoit, last night you cost me my United States Title. Be... [looks at crowd] because of you that back-stabbing, two-faced Diamond Dallas Page is still the champ. You're a brave and valiant warrior Chris Benoit, but unfortunately for you it is time for me to fulfill my destiny. Unfortunately for you it is time for this feud to end. Unfortunately for you, you must feel the Evenflow. DDP... didn’t have to be like this Page. It didn't have to be like this. You and I, we could of ruled wrestling together, side by side. But a long time ago you deserted me. You turned your back on me and now there can be only one. I know the Snake is out there watching’ and I know he'd want it this way. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

"The winds of Fate have blown once more and I rain supreme as the United States Champion. Wednesday night on MTV Diamond Dallas Page was an invited guest, among superstars like Matthew Mcwannabe and the Food Fighters, a spot that should have been mine. I should of been invited Page, not you. So I had to rain on your parade and I took that stop sign to your head and I beat you unmercifully. Then I DDT'd you through a table and through my belt. Diamond Dallas Page, this is just the beginning. The beginning of a long and horrible and excruciatingly painful reminder of what I went through. How you deserted me. The “Snake” knows it, I know it, everyone knows it. You're a shameless self-promoter, you're a shameless shill, and I stole your moment of glory. In your biggest and finest hour as U.S. Champion on MTV. I took it all away from you. I took it all away from you Page. Tonight... tonight you'll face members of my Flock. I don't need to be there Page. I can already guess the outcome and it doesn't look good. Saturn and Hammer. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

"Anguish, fear, and sorrow, are emotions we all feel, but never more strongly than in our adolescence. When just having an acne-rabid skin, can mean a lifetime of loneliness. One's acceptance by others, is a barometer of one's popularity. If one is different, a misfit, maybe unattractive, unathletic, one is in for a lifetime of cruelty and suffering, that will traumatize permanently. You see scars are souvenirs you never loose. The past is never far. You can try to repress it. You can try to hold it back. You can try to deny it. But it will still continue to grow... stronger, and stronger. Like a malignant cancer, that can't be satiated. Each of us manifests our pain in different manners. Whether it's three in the morning in bed... tears in one's eye. Whether it's a need to destroy everything beautiful, or just simply shutting one's self off from society. My father never gave me what I needed, so I understand what it's like to do without. They should understand this. They should give what's needed. I can see this. I can feel their pain. Why can't they understand? Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"Page, on Thunder did you not only feel defeat but the pain I inflicted on you. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Imagine the pain Raven in going to give you at Spring Stampede."

"Page, I will feast on your pain, I will feast on your anguish, I will feast on your hatred. You will hate me more and more and more. Thursday night you mentioned Jake. That he helped you and that I didn't. Well I did Page. I helped you. Why can't you acknowledge that. What about me Page? What about Raven? What about me? Well I'm the U.S. Champion and you are not. Spring Stampede is not that so far off Page. It's not that far off. And you and I will face each other. And long ago grievances will be solved, age old disputes, you and I will end it once and for all and unfortunately for you the outcome will be nothing like you envisioned. There will be no Bang. There will be no Diamond Cutter. All there will be is the Evenflow and as you lay there on that mat in a semi state of consciousness and wonder... wonder to yourself why... why did I do him wrong? Why didn't I help Raven. Why was I so selfish. You will think that maybe next time you will make a wiser decision. You will make a wiser choice. So it os written. So it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

"Brad Armstrong, tonight you and I are scheduled to do battle, but perhaps, I can persuade you that disgretion is the better part of valor. I understand your frustration. I understand your hurt. In 1980, I remember you were once voted rookie of the year. In 1981 you were one half of the world tag team champions. But since then, isn't it true, that your career has descended into mediocracy? Hear me out... hear me out Armstrong. I'm fully aware of the Armstrong curse. They say that the sins of the father are visited upon the son. I understand your respect and your admiration for your father; 'Bullet' Bob Armstrong. He was a great man. But isn't it true, that the other promoters and the bookers for World Championship Wrestling were jealous of him, and they take it out on you? They take it out on you Brad Armstrong. Give into your hate. Give into your anger, give into your frustration. I feel your pain. Quote the Raven, nevermore "

"Fate is a curious beast. No matter how fast you run. No matter how far you go. You can't escape it. Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit. Two members of World Championship Wrestling. Two members united, supposedly. I love it. As my grand design comes together, unity has become separation. Separation has led to squabbling, has led to fighting, has led to brawling. Come Uncensored, tomorrow night, you two will do my bidding, when you two take each other out. Whether Benoit gives you the Cross-Face or you Diamond Cut Chris Benoit. Either way I'll be there to pick up the pieces. I will walk out with the United States Title. I will be vindicated for my past. And Page you will suffer. Benoit, that's just the way it goes. Quote the Raven, Nevermore."

"All the joy, all the fun, all the excitement, took place here. This is what every kid looked forward to: recess. Every kid could not wait to get here. Couldn't wait to get out here and get beaten up by the bullies. Couldn't wait to get out here and get teased and humiliated. Couldn't wait to get out here so they could be chosen last, for all the teams. This is where all the fun of childhood took place. The only thing I remember rivaling that, was one time, during my parents attempted reconciliation, they took me skiing. And as I stood atop the mountain, and looked across at another snow covered hill, I saw my reflection. And then a land slide brought it down. You see, scars are souvenirs you never loose, the past is never far. But what do you do? What do you do, when all your memories are razor blades? When everything you can possibly remember, hurts? What do you do? Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"I've known Diamond Dallas Page for a very long time. We've been friends, we've been enemies, friends again and enemies once more. Diamond Dallas Page would have you believe that he's a self-made man. That... he had no help along the way. But I beg to differ. I taught him... how to inflict pain. I taught him how to hurt people. I taught him how to have no fear. But Page doesn't remember my help. What about me? Page is a super star; the US champion. But what about Raven? What about me? That 's okay Page I'll find my way. I'll climb right through Benoit. I'll step all over him to get to your US Title. There's a lot of... back history between me and you. History you'll have to pay for. In the middle of emptiness where even the beat of eternity is fate, there is this in-between thing called torture and that's what you will receive Page. Tonight I face Chris Benoit and the Crippler knows what I can do. I'll feast on his pain and then I'll come for you. Quote the Raven, Nevermore."

"I signed your contract, but I won't conform to your rules. I put certain stipulations in the contract. I'll sit where I want, I'll wrestle when I want, I'll wrestle who I want, I'll wrestle how I want; that means no disqualification; and you, will pay me what I want. Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"The entire purpose of human existence, is to kindle a light in the darkness of being. We are a nation of hollow stuffed people; bleeding together; heads stuffed with straw. Like wind in an empty street, or rats feet over broken glass in a dark and forgotten cellar. So it is written. So it shall come to pass. [rips contract] Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"First of all, Riggs, I'd like to apologize for all the damage I did to your eye. I'm sorry. It was an accident. I feel your pain. Now, for all those, not intelligent enough, or able-minded enough, or coherent enough, to understand the message that I've been giving in the preceding months, I'd like to reiterate it, for posterity. You see I had an abusive childhood. I was teased, taunted, tormented, picked on, bullied, and beaten. But that was then, and this is now. And now, all the freaks, mutants, misfits, the disenfranchised, the hopeless, the unwanted, the dregs of society, have come forth from out of the shadows, to stand beside me, to help me gain my vengeance, against those, that treated me poorly. But don't blame me... blame yourselves! You made me what I am! It's your fault. So don't blame me. So it is written. So it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"Riggs, there is no need for us to fight, and there is no need for us to wrestle tonight. In fact, you haven't won a match in 6 months. [audience laughs] But inside of you, there was once the potential, for a great athlete, and inside of you, there are also demons, and I feel your pain. Come with me, and I'll set you free. Come with me, and I'll set you free. [Riggs refuses to join] You've made your choice. So it is written. So it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven, nevermore."

"Gene... Rules and responsibilities. These are the ties that bind us. If we did otherwise, we would not be ourselves. I will do what I have to, and I will do what I must. The only announcement is, that there is no announcement... quote the Raven, nevermore."

"Mrs. Landisis’ 6th grade class. I sat in the third row next to Theresa Hayes. And it was there that I first discovered alienation and baron path. The taunting and the badgering by the other kids made me realize the depths of human evil and the dark underbelly of human society. I'd close my eyes and pretend I was someone different. That I wasn't a misfit. You can't erase the dream, you can only wake me up. I didn't care. I never obeyed the rules. Because even back then I realized the nothing... Nothing in nature behaves so consistently and rigidly as a human being in pursuit of destruction. Quote the Raven Nevermore."

We all commit certain acts in our lives, of an unsavory nature. Some bad. Some worse. Some unspeakable. Sometimes we suffer in silence, sometimes we seek redemption. He's got what he wanted, but in attaining salvation, there is a price that must be paid. One must... give up a bit of one's self. The road; or the end of the road as it is, might not be quite as... not quite what you expect. The glowing light at the end of the tunnel may not be the beacon of righteousness that you envisioned. It may be some horribly disfigured fun house reflection of your own inner dreams. Quote the raven, nevermore.

"My earliest memories, were not of anything specific. They are more like memories of feelings, as opposed to events. Feelings of abandonment. Feelings of loneliness. Feelings of sadness. They say our destiny is formed in these earliest moments. That our fate is determined, at this critical juncture. The chosen begin their path towards greatness. The ill-fated are doomed from the beginning. The unfortunate devour themselves, searching for annihilation. You see we are all prisoners, of our own nature. Locked into certain patterns of behavior. I could no sooner change the path that was placed upon me, than I could stop a swallow from migrating, or a salmon from spawning. So it is written. So it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven, nevermore."

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