Larose-Cut Off Junior High School has had a chapter of the FCA (Fellowship
of Christian Athletes for fseveral years. It was started by
Mr. Murphy Gautreaux. Mr. Wayne Pierce is the current sponsor.
They are both coaches who believe that prayer and Christ were
necessary for a successful team.

LCO FCA Mission Statement
To present to athletes and coaches, and all who they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving him in their relationships and in the fellowhisp of the church.

Maroon Day Officers for the 1999-2000 School Year
PRESIDENT - Lauren Collins
VICE-PRESIDENT - Scott Theriot
SECRETARY - Robin Fournier
TREASURER - Scarlet Slade
RECRUITER - Dustin Gisclair
REPORTER - Marissa Plaisance

Gold Day Officers for the 1999-2000 School Year
PRESIDENT - Tyler Rebstock
SECRETARY - Anthony Crosby
TREASURER - Jared Garza
REPORTER - Kim Valero

Investigate the following:
Membership List 1999-2000These are the students who chose to be in this club and to honor Jesus Christ our Lord.
About the FCA Welcome to
FCA! Who we are, what we believe, our mission statement, our heritage, how
we do it, and where we are located.
One Way to Play --
Drug Free FCA's program to confront the problem of drug and alcohol
More Than Winning! God
has a winning plan for your life!

FCA On Line
Southeast Regional Office
(Covers AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN)
Louisiana State FCA Office

" "

E-mail us and tell us what you think of our club: Click Here

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This page was last update: Friday, November 5, 1999 11:51:07 AM
© Judy Duet 6/15/98