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(Finalist to the 2nd Webby Awards -- Weird/Humor Category)

Paying tribute to the butt! (well, not really)

You might ask why the butt? I just thought the butt is one of the most neglected and underrated body parts.  Have you ever heard of almost an entire website dedicated to just talking about butts? Well, I haven't. So here's the site just for that...cheers to the butt!

" To butt or not to butt? "        -- William Shagspeare
Warning: This site might contain stuff that might offend you. Surf at your own risk!
Boring Notes:
  • This site is best viewed with a 20/20 vision and 800 x 600 resolution [get help]
  • For your optimum viewing pleasure, you must have the Verdana font installed in your computer. [get help]
  • Coming very soon: spot the BUTT, reBUTTal, ASSorted's icq skins, Kewl tips
  • All parts of this website except ASScii and ASScons are original ideas of the webmaster (and associates), no portion of these can be used anywhere else without their sacred consent.
  • For suggestions, comments & curses, send email to:
  • Thank you for visiting this humble site :) We hope you'll enjoy your stay. MABUHAY ka!
ascii butt
anything goes
message in a bootie
smelly poetry

pinch that butt, babe!
The evolution of the butt

 "...and so everyone needed something to take all the shits. So the butt was created."

-- buttman and robin 

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