THE ARCHERS OF CALEDON Membership Application Name [Please Print]: ____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________ City: ____________________ Postal Code: __________ Phone/s: Home: ( ) _______________ Work: ( ) _______________ Fax: ( ) _______________ Email Address : ______________________________________________ Membership Information Type of Membership [Please Check]: Family [ ] Adult [ ] Junior/Student [ ] Age _____ Family Members Spouse's Name: _________________________ Children: 1: _________________________ Date of Birth: ______________ 2: _________________________ Date of Birth: ______________ Family members who require cards: __________________ __________________ __________________ Vehicle Information: Vehicle #1 Make: ________________________________ Plate #: ___________ I was recommended to the Club by : Membership Fees INITIATION FEE: $ 50.00 (From Archery School: $ 25.00) (Payable by all new members except for Juniors & Students.) FAMILY/ADULT: $396.00 ( $33.00/month or $99.00/quarter ) (Family memberships include spouse & student children.) JUNIOR/STUDENT: $100.00 (Junior 18 years or under as of January 1st .) NOTE: The membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Payment Initiation Fee : $ _________ Please make cheques payable to: Family/Adult Fee : $ _________ The Archers of Caledon. Junior/Student Fee : $ _________ Total Payment Due : $ _________ (Number of cheque/s enclosed: _____ Amount of each cheque : $ _________ ) I hereby apply for membership in The Archers of Caledon. Upon the acceptance of my application, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Club, and understand that the members must participate in the Club's Work Sharing Program. I am aware that the shooting of a bow and arrow can be dangerous. I agree that I will not hold The Archers of Caledon or any of its officers or members responsible for any personal injury to my family or myself while on the Club property. I release The Archers of Caledon from all liability, present and future, and for any property damage or personal injury. Applicant Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________________ TAOC CLUBAPP VER 1.1 (Text)