Tout sur ICQ de Mirabilis !

The rumours on the ICQ network :
official release


We are really moved by your concern and care for ICQ. We appreciate the many inquiries, suggestions, banners and messages. It is a true testimony how well ICQ really took the internet by storm.

Every now and then, a new message concerning ICQ is circulating on the ICQ network. Some of them are really funny, others are very creative (such as one we received: AIR, WATER, LOVE, AND ICQ SHOULD REMAIN FREE...), others, if you think about them for a second, make no sense at all - and are an insult to the wisdom of the receivers, and unfortunately some of them are sheer bad taste. Our old users have gotten used to it and simply ignore them. But since we have a huge inflow of new users, tens of thousands of new ones each day, there are always users which are being exposed to this phenomenon for the first time.

We would like to suggest to you, our new user, that when you get such a message think if it really makes sense. (it really doesn't make sense to think that we need to pass information by forwarding it from user to user, or to find that way how many users are connected to the system, or that any contributions or credits of brownie points, money, glass beads, hippos, cards, marbles, or other negotiable instruments are being made by anyone for passing messages). In case we have any announcement to make, we are going to post it on our site
Read more about how you can deal with it at ACLIO

Concerning our Time Limited Free Beta software policy - No change is currently being considered in this policy, which has prevailed ever since we introduced our product. In any case, in the future, if at all we will consider any changes in this policy, an advance notice of at least 30 days will be given.

Continue to enjoy ICQ and be ready for many more improvements and new innovative features which will be introduced in the very near future...

...So think twice before you hit the 'forward' button, and if you receive such a message, please send it back to the sender with the web address of this paragraph "".

...and if you still have an uncontrollable urge to forward a multiple message, we have a few suggestions for you.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Please Note: We never ask our users to send us ANY information or to forward any messages.

If you don't want to receive chain-letters

Do you want any information ? Write to the webmaster !
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