The Professional Track and Field Association is designed to bring former high school and college athletes together to compete in its adult track and field program. This program is designed for working adults and athletes with less than World Class talent. It is based on a team approach to competition. The mission of (PTFA) is two fold: first, the association strives to register as many teams as possible and second to assemble these teams into track and field meet programs that present meets in local communities as sporting entertainment. Initial track and field meets will be scheduled within a community. This will help working adults adjust their busy schedules around meets. In places where there is a high volume of team participation, efforts will be made to hold meets that award monetary prizes to winning teams and their event winning members. The program plans to sponsor championship track and field meets.
This web site shows the geographic structure of the program in both map and chart form. Other topics include: team structure, division of states into sections, organizational charts, meet director responsibilities, unattached athlete participation, pay scales, scheduling of meet events, meet scoring, and prescription drug and supplement use. To find out more about (PTFA), please feel free to surf our site.