Welcome to C Load's Home Page For Camaros. Last time I
updated this site was on May 24, '99. I am working on a comparing
the Camaros and Mustangs from '67 to '99 and I need pics of I need pics of a lot of Camaros so send them
in! I will put your name with the pic and if you have a site I will
exchange links with you. Just send them to Mike
Vs. Mustang
This is the newest section to this site. I have gathered a lot
of info one every Camaro and Mustang that I could to compare them all side
by side. After spending way to much time at libraries and book stores
I am almost done. Please feel free to send any info that you might
have! |

This page has the pics of my '73 RS Z/28 Camaro, some nice graphics,
and an original ad for the '70 1/2 Camaro RS.

This page has been broken down into two different pages.
The first page has pics and info of my friends Camaro's and other rides.
The second page has pics and info as well as links to other Camaro sites
in case you didn't find what you were looking for here.

I made this page because I am always looking for web sites of the
manufactures of the stuff I want NEED for my ride.
I have links to over 120 different venders/manufacturers to save you all
the time it took me to find them.

What is a home page with out pics of the family?? This page
is mostly for family and friends that live a long way away from us but
you are more then welcome to check out this pics if you want to also.

Everyone seems to like to get a funny email once in a while.
Well I have been getting a lot of them lately and thought I should share
them with every one... well at least the ones I am allowed to post here...
If you have some thing funny that I don't have yet feel free to send it!
Sometimes search engines just don't do the trick for finding good Camaro
sites. A LOT of times you will find dead links or pages that don't have
a thing to do with Camaros or they just don't have that many results. So
how do we fix this? A web ring, it is a list of sites that all have something
in common, and I have a couple of them on this page for you to check out!

After you have checked out my site please visit this page and see
if you can help me out. Thanks!
Please submit all questions and comments to Cload@keynet.net