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No visit to our club site would be complete without "signing" the Guestbook. Simply fill out the forms below, select the "Send It" button, and your missive should appear on the Messages Page immediately. Expecially if you have some scores from your team's recent play, post it here for all to see. Even if you've got a comment, a complaint, a compliment, or a comedy routine, We'd love to hear it.

jerry alexander - 08/23/00 23:19:25
Impression of our site: lot's of fun

David: Update "ComingEvents"; January-May???

John Howell - 08/10/00 14:44:21
Your usual place to play tennis: Audubon

David: Just wanted to let you know I've been looking.

kim - 06/17/00 20:58:46
Your usual place to play tennis: Mobile, AL
Skill Level: 3.5
Leagues I already play in: USTA
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: just visiting site
Impression of our site: excellent site
My Suggestions improvements to this site: change margin on the left border but everything else in wonderful!

LOVED the pictures

David Band - 05/08/00 02:16:31

Okay, since nobody else leaves message, guess the webmaster has to do it. Just want everybody to know there's a lot that still needs improving about this site, but I'm still proud of it. Even the old pictures from last Easter are fun to go back and look at. Sure wonder if an of my friends are looking at the pictures, since I sure love to hear comments. ?? Hello, anybody out there????

Kirk A. Morgan - 04/10/00 10:13:20
Your usual place to play tennis: Treasure Oak C. C. O.S. MS
Skill Level: 3.0
Leagues I already play in: MS Gulf Coast 6.5M&mx 3.0 M
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Info about tournaments in N.O.
Impression of our site: Nice
My Suggestions improvements to this site: List area player's tournament results.


Steve Johnosn - 03/05/00 22:45:54
Your usual place to play tennis: Mirror Lake Racquet Club
Skill Level: 3.5
Leagues I already play in: BATA
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Info for Mobile, AL site
Impression of our site: info a litte dated


David Band - 02/01/00 02:39:40
Your usual place to play tennis: Loving Audubon, but now also Green Acres
Skill Level: 4.0 ?? (please, no grinning)
Leagues I already play in: Audubon
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Publicity, Publicity, Publicity
Impression of our site: Great, since I did it !
My Suggestions improvements to this site: Get more people who sign Guestbook to send me articles, photos, schedules, suggestions

Bill Pryor has taken my initial suggestions and buit them to an absolutely professional site for JCCA (check out his link given below in an earlier comment in this guestbook. Excuse me, but it's slick leaving your http web site address in this guestbook, since then other guests (savy in internet stuff) can readily check out your site directly). i.e., It's a way for you to spread your site URL to other tennis players with you similar interests. Enjoy, David (your humble webmaster)

- 01/30/00 23:33:50


Bill Pryor - 01/17/00 11:13:36
Your usual place to play tennis: Paradise Manor, Audobon
Skill Level: 3.5
Leagues I already play in: NOLTA, JCCA, USTA, Double Faults
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Provide great matches
Impression of our site: IMPRESSIVE
My Suggestions improvements to this site: None - this looks GREAT

Good job. Not only do you hava a great site, but your comments have helped me with my old site,, and I am sure that your continued comments will help improve my new site,

Carla Gibson Baker - 01/14/00 06:20:19
Your usual place to play tennis: Stern Tennis Center
Leagues I already play in: Women's Double
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: meet new people
Impression of our site: Not bad for beginners. Keep up the good work . It can only get better.
My Suggestions improvements to this site: To start with, monthly updating would be more informative.


Max Sugar, M.D. - 01/13/00 00:36:51
Your usual place to play tennis: Audubon Park T.C.
Skill Level: B+


Bill Pryor - 12/09/99 22:56:46
My URL:/researchtriangle/node/3894
Your usual place to play tennis: City Park,
Skill Level: 3.5
Leagues I already play in: NOLTA, JCCA, USTA, USTA Seniors
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Perhaps hone my sense of involvement
Impression of our site: Pretty Good!
My Suggestions improvements to this site: Perhaps update it a little more often.

Good site, David. Also, thank you for your comments regarding my site. I have gotten a lot of good comments on my site, mainly by following your advice, "borrowing" the bouncing tennis ball from you, and by linking to your site.

Webmaster - 10/28/99 13:32:48
My Email:attyband@aol
My Suggestions improvements to this site: Have more people like Ashley Rojas write in with suggestions, and contribute!!!

Ashley Rojas - you're absolutely right. It is kinda cheezy and I need to take the picture of the little girls off right away. It's fun to throw up a web site, but hard to keep it current and interesting and helps to have a lot of people contributing articles, photos, rosters, etc. Believe it or not, the Men's Doubles is going strong all over town, and the Women's Doubles runs parallel to the Mens playing at Stern Courts on Sunday (3.0 - 3.5 level) Come on out. Somebody might need a substitute - (but all first)

Ashley Rojas - 10/11/99 19:30:03
Your usual place to play tennis: NAS JRB New Orleans
Skill Level: intermediate
Leagues I already play in: none
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: want to find more people to play with so I can improve my game.
Impression of our site: looks really cheesy and unapproachable;makes me want to go to another site.
My Suggestions improvements to this site: make it look fun for all types of people,not just little girls

I'm 23 years old and I've played tennis my entire life. It's hard to find other gals to play tennis with on a Navy base. I was just looking for a tennis club where I could play and improve my game.

Debbie Eastin - 10/11/99 19:29:09
Your usual place to play tennis: BissonetMD CC; City Park; UNO
Skill Level: 3.0
Leagues I already play in: USTA
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: improve skill level; network
Impression of our site: nice
My Suggestions improvements to this site: reduce words to links for each issue


Sharon Hutto - 07/19/99 16:23:46
Your usual place to play tennis: City Park
Skill Level: Beginner
NOLTA Team: None
Your team's record, recent achievements, Improve my play, meet new people
Impression of our site: Good


Dave (webmaster) Band - 05/13/99 12:14:05
Your usual place to play tennis: Green Acres
Skill Level: 4.0 + ???
Leagues I already play in: Mixed Doubles coming up soon, Men's
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: keep me connected to other tennis players
Impression of our site: The addition of our pictures has improved the site. I need to stay on top of it, but it's hard.
My Suggestions improvements to this site: Where could I find a similarly interested internet HTML person, who'd like to assist with the site

Please you all - anybody want to make suggestions or actually help with maintainence of this site. It's not that easy to keep the updates coming, and I'd like to hear from the public at large. What's the deal? Our counter's climbing, but nobody gives a y feedback. I've tried to put helpful links so you can research other tennis links, and books. But if you want more, or find the information outdated, just leave a message here, and I'll do my best to update things. Still, I need material and feedback f you all want to see the site continue to change.

Nellieanna Hay - 04/03/99 22:58:45
Your usual place to play tennis: It's been years! LOL
Skill Level: none now!
Leagues I already play in: oops
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: If I lived in that area, I would think it would inspire me!
Impression of our site: this has the makings of a most dynamic site!
My Suggestions improvements to this site: It just needs more pizzazz!

Bill, the site obviously already has plenty of valid expertise and information on its subjects, tennis, your league, its activities. The written presentation is excellent, as well. It could only enhance all that to add some eye-appeal and verve! I have no doubt you will be able to do so, if you agree. ---nh

Dennis E. Bowles - 02/23/99 18:25:00
Your usual place to play tennis: Audubon Park
Skill Level: ???
Leagues I already play in: Audubon Park
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: More involvement in leagues within the city.
Impression of our site: Very Educational. Useful.

Need to change my present address. Please send my Bulletins of NOLTA to: Dennis E. Bowles 4315 Iberville Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70119 Telephone 504-482-3512

David Band - 01/19/99 03:25:06
Your usual place to play tennis: Audubon, West End
Skill Level: 3.5 (damn)
Leagues I already play in: NOLTA
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: make me game hardened
Impression of our site: wish I would get some more people to help with this Web Page
My Suggestions improvements to this site: Walter, learn HTML

We have a new board, all excited and eager to go. Good Luck to Bill Pryor. And please, more people give us suggestions and e-mail comments on this Guestbook. It's about the only thing on the site that improves itself without my input, and precious expe diture of time.

Bill Pryor - 12/02/98 15:50:03
Your usual place to play tennis: Paradise Manor
Skill Level: 3.5
Leagues I already play in: NOLTA Men's, Mixed, USTA Adult, USTA Senior, USTA Senior Mixed, JCCA, Metro, New Orleans Commercial Tennis League
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Provide a force to deal with City Park administrators who are trying to wreck City Park Tennis.
Impression of our site: Good (GOOD) site! Lots of information there. Smooth operation.
My Suggestions improvements to this site: None

I enjoy my visits to this site. It has changed considerably since my first visit. Once, I found my way to the site from the USTA's Southern Tennis Association Site's Message Board. You did a good job of putting that link in, David. Great Webmaster!

Michael Landers - 10/01/98 00:55:52
Your usual place to play tennis: Audubon
Skill Level: 4.0
Leagues I already play in: Mens and Mixed
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Find me some good players to play with, and to have a fun, sociable time!
Impression of our site: It really looks good, and gives good info.


Bill Pryor - 09/22/98 02:13:15
Your usual place to play tennis: Paradise Manor
Skill Level: 3.5
Leagues I already play in: USTA (Men's, Mixed, Sr. Mixed, Sr Men), JCCA, Commercial, Metro, NOLTA
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Help bring New Orleans tennis together
Impression of our site: Good site, David!
My Suggestions improvements to this site: Have each Officer of NOLTA take one function and keep it up.

I would like to see NOLTA be the clearinghouse for tennis in New Orleans. To this end, I would like to see NOLTA be the agent for New Orleans tennis players in dealing with USTA, and work toward eliminating some of the irritating rules USTA has imposed l cally - primarily on the NTRP ratings. If that system is going to be used, make sure it is used properly.

Jeanie Morris - 08/20/98 23:10:18
Your usual place to play tennis: Ormond CC
Skill Level: 3.0
Leagues I already play in: USTA & NOLTA (97)
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: TO PLAY MORE TNS.
Impression of our site: OK
My Suggestions improvements to this site: I AM NEW TO COMPUTER WORLD.


- 08/14/98 15:18:05


Walter Crook - 08/10/98 02:18:19
Your usual place to play tennis: Audubon Park
Skill Level: Tennis Instructor
Leagues I already play in: NOLTA
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: Improve metro tennis.
Impression of our site: Very good!!!
My Suggestions improvements to this site: Add more information.

David, I think you have done a great job of putting this deal together. Please let me know of any help that you need in completing the other links. Walter

One more time David - 08/08/98 01:06:09
Your usual place to play tennis: Now West End
Skill Level: 4.0 (in my dreams) or on a good day
Leagues I already play in: NOLTA now and forever
What I'd like NOLTA to do for me: set me up for fun matches
Impression of our site: Pretty many hits
My Suggestions improvements to this site: Get more input from officers, more people signing this Guestbook (don't know why they don't do it)

It's fun being webmaster, even if nobody ever hits this site.

David (Webmaster) - 07/24/98 13:53:24

Come on guys. Let's leave a few messages and suggestions

David Band - 06/15/98 12:36:18
Your usual place to play tennis: Audubon
Skill Level: 4.0
Leagues you already play in: Westend, Green Acres (for my wife, Ilonka)
What you'd like NOLTA to do for you: keep me apprised of upcoming events in New Orleans
Impression of our site: Great for one day's work
Suggestions for our improvements: Get the underconstruction links working

Your editor just couldn't resist being the first to sign the guestbook. Please excuse the construction, but this sort of site takes a few weeks to get up and running, the necessary imput from the various officers, and permission from members to list thei e-mail addresses. There's a lot to it, but a good club site takes time, but is well worth it. By all means, you can help by communicating with us.

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