New Orleans League Tennis Association

"NOLTA = Fun in Tennis"

New Orleans League Tennis Association
5500 Prytania St. , Box 223
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
For information, Call Walter Crook at  504-392-2919 or David Band at 861-7787
or E-mail Walter
Mixed Doubles are in final swing. Have we got some nice looking models today. Jerry and Chuck won their match on Saturday, July 21. BUT WE'RE HAVING FUN. I've put some new photos on the links below, so check out each link (especially in the mixed doubles spot and see if you can find yourself. The photos on this site are "Thumbnails" which means you can view each photo full screen size simply by clicking on it. I might also point out that these are photo quality photos, which you might be able to view even clearer than on your monitor if you happen to know someone with a photo quality printer


The curent standings and team names will be provided as soon as I get names (boy, the technical VPs in charge of the leagues have an obligation to update me with standings but fail miserably, but for now, PLEASE ENJOY THE PHOTOS in the matrix below:

Bee Pollack has been complaining that there aren't enough pictures. At the risk of boring you with lots of BS, a link on the table below with 8 pages of recent action shots. Sorry guys, but Bee complained about her butt shot so I took it off. You'll just have to suffer. AT LEAST MIXED IS COMING NEXT AND I PROMISE I'VE GOT SOME PRETTY TERRIFFIC PICTURES OF SOME VERY HOT WOMEN just waiting for enough to make a series of pages. Maybe we'll call 'em "Women of NOLTA". Enjoy (or if you don't enjoy and are embarassed, e-mail me and I'll take your embarassment off.

Let me know if you think this is a pretty good web site. We could use a little help. Please e-mail us your suggestions, photos, rosters, league play results, and rosters. They will be posted as soon as possible, as the site evolves as a living document. Hope you like it. David Band (any suggestions welcome)


July 21, 2000: In the matrix below, you can go to pages of Pictures of a recent board meeting, Events Sched., From the President, New Photos, Leagues scheduled, Editor's Serve, E-mail addresses and web sites, USTA ratings for people in New Orleans and even scenic pictures of Audubon Park, where many of our matches are held - what more could you ask? Simply by clicking on a picture enlarges it full screen and you can save it to a file on your own computer:
Pictures of NOLTA leadership Rules of Play Leagues Sched. USTA ratings in N.O.
Beautiful Audubon Park MIXED DOUBLES photos Teams & Pics E-Mail Addresses
Action Photos General Meeting Minutes Playoff Photos Tennis Books
Worldwide Tennis Clubs Upcoming Events Local Links Tennisfieds

New Orleans League Tennis Association  - Created by David Band last modified: July 21, 2000

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