There are basically three ways to obtain the autograph of any
sports star, actor etc. These are:
1. By Mail
2. In Person (Outside Stadiums Or At Conventions)
3. From a Collectibles Store
In this section I will outline how to go about collecting autographs from the Vancouver Canucks, the secrets and the best way to reach each player.
By Mail
If you want to reach a Canuck by mail, you need to find out his home address (see bottom of the page) or write to them c/o the Canucks (see address section below). This is a good way because it is cheap and you don't have to go anywhere. It is fairly reliable but some players do not respond.
In Person
A good way to get Canuck autographs in person is before games at GM Place. After the game at Gate 9, some players come out, but usually not right away and the big security guards always ask you to leave before the good ones come out. Practice at Burnaby 8 Rinks works well, but the two best events are training camp (now at Kamloops), and the Canucks Family Carnival. At the Canucks Family Carnival, most of the autographs are free, with the exception of the best players (Messier, Naslund). Some Canucks players make appearances at card shows and charity events.
By Store:
There are some good stores in Vancouver and Vancouver Island that sell autographs. This tends to be an expensive way, and unless you get a certificate of authenticity there is no way to make sure it is real. You can also buy autographs off the internet. A good, reliable store is Collectors Den at Lansdowne Mall at Richmond. The Card Guys in Nanaimo, BC is my personal favorite.
Mattias Ohlund Ohlund does not answer by mail, or if he does it takes longer than two years. I wrote to him October 1997 and I have no answer. Canucks Family Carnival is your best bet.
Adrian AucoinVery accessible last year. Often found at Gate 9, or outside GM Place. Now that he has had a breakout year, it would be much easier to get his autograph at training camp, the Family Carnival or at a store.
Donald Brashear Donald Brashear is an excellent signer and a really nice guy. He signed two autographs for me at Gate 9. He also answers by mail.
Brad May I do not have a Brad May autograph. I have never seen him at Gate 9, and I have not mailed him. Canucks Family Carnival or training camp is your best bet.
Mark Messier Messier is possibly the worst signer in the NHL. He will not sign before or after games, very little at training camp and makes few appearances at card shows etc. If you send him mail, you will recieve a Canucks bumper sticker, a Messier card (see bottom of page) and a letter. (Click here for a copy of the letter.)Autographs at stores are outrageously priced. Canucks Family Carnival is the way to go.
Darby Hendrickson Apparently a good signer. My Hendrickson autograph came from a friend who got it in Toronto.
Dave Gagner
Gagner is an excellent signer by mail. I wrote to him when he was in Florida and he sent me three autographed cards and a special autographed Panthers card (see right). It took about a month and a half.
Bill Muckalt Bill Muckalt does not sign at Gate 9, he ignores everyone who asks. He apparently signs for some people by mail. He willingly signs at training camp. Canucks Family Carnival is another good bet.
Bert Robertsson I do not have a Robertsson autograph. I have heard that he appears at Gate 9 sometimes, and willingly signs.
Markus Naslund Apparently a fairly good signer. I got my Naslund autograph before he had his breakout year last season at Gate 9, but he also signs in the mail.
Dave Scatchard Scatchard is an excellent signer and is very friendly. I got my Scatchard autograph at Gate 9, and I have heard that he signs in the mail.
Peter Zezel Zezel will probably no longer be with the Canucks, but for the record, he is a good signer in the mail and at training camp. I never saw him at Gate 9.
Murray Baron Baron was apparently a good signer while he was in Phoenix, but he is hard to get in Vancouver. No one I have talked to has got a Baron autograph from gate 9. He supposedly signs some mail requests. Family Carnival is the best bet.
Trent Klatt Trent Klatt apparently signs through the mail. I have never seen him at Gate 9.
Harry York I got my Harry York autograph from a dollar bin at a card store. York is a good signer by mail, but I have not heard of any Gate 9 success stories.
Garth Snow In Philadelphia, Snow was supposedly a lousy signer by mail, but very good in public. In Vancouver, I have heard of some people who have mailed and recieved an autograph, and some who have not. Since Snow is not usually at Gate 9 right after games, Canucks Family Carnival is the best bet.
Jason Strudwick
Jason Strudwick is the best signer on the Vancouver Canucks. When our family went to a Canucks game, we caught up to him at Gate 9. He signed an autograph for each of us, and talked with us for a bit. A really nice guy. Thanks alot Jason!
Kevin Weekes Apparently a good signer, but I do not have his autograph.
Todd Bertuzzi Some people say he is a good signer, some say he is a bad signer. Since my Bertuzzi auto came from a friend, I have no say in this matter. Canucks Family Carnival is a good bet.
Ed Jovanovski I sent a card to Jovanovski while he was in Florida and he signed it, so I don't think he will have changed that much after the trade.
Alexander Mogilny So many people say Mogilny is a terrible signer. I say stop complaining, because I have had no trouble getting Mogilny's auto. I sent a card to him, and although it took ages, he signed it. I also have seen him at Gate 9 and he willingly signed for both me and my brother.
Stan Smyl: See Former Players section
Brent Sopel Brent Sopel is a good signer. Write to him c/o the Syracuse Crunch (see address section at the bottom)
Robb Gordon Robb Gordon is another good signer.
Josh Holden Josh Holden is known not to sign much at Gate 9, but if you write to him c/o the Canucks he should reply.
Corey Hirsch Corey Hirsch is an excellent signer and a classy hockey player. It is too bad he will likely no longer be with the Canucks. He answers by mail, but I got my Hirsch autograph at Gate 9.
Steve Kariya According to many people, Steve Kariya was an excellent signer at the University of Maine. Hopefully now that he is with an NHL team he will be a better signer than his brother Paul.
Garth Butcher: Remember Garth Butcher? He has started up a Vancouver real estate company. Try the address below and he will probably send you an autograph.
Stan Smyl Former player and current assistant coach Stan Smyl is an excellent signer if you write to him c/o the Vancouver Canucks. If you go to Canucks games often there is no need to write to him because he will be at Gate 9 all the time.
Most Canucks Players
Player c/o. Orca Bay Sports & Entertainment
800 Griffiths Way
Vancouver, BC
V6B 6G1 Canada
Syracuse Crunch
800 S. State Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
Alexander Mogilny
1664 Harbor Seal Drive
Pt. Roberts, WA 98281
Garth Butcher c/o
Prudential Power Play Realty
20585 Fraser Highway
Langley BC V3A 4G4
Murray Baron
11501 Craig Court
Apt. 104
St. Louis, MO 63146
Cam Neely
c/o. Daniels' Financial
125 Sumner St.
Boston, MA 02128
Garth Snow
863 East St.
Wrentham, MA 02093
Dennis Ververgaert
3739 Sandy Hill Crescent
Abbottsford, BC
V3G 1H9 Canada
Webb-Ster's List- "An excellent list of over 800 hockey home addresses. Many current players along with retired players an HOFers. Now only $9.99 CDN. Available at many fine sports card dealers"
Harvey's List- "Over 2,000 names and addresses of hockey players from the early days of the NHL in the 1920's to today's superstars. Each listing gives debut year and team. Addresses include Hasek, Brodeur, Lindros, Bourque, Sakic, Tkachuk, Recchi, Forsberg, Chelios, Roenick and Messier.